From Salem Wiki
Skill List
- A Formal Education
- Acute Tree Harvesting
- Advanced Cooking
- Advanced Husbandry
- Aeolian
- Agriculture
- Alchemy
- Amateur Sculpting
- Ambitious Excavation
- Ample Storage
- Any Anything
- Arcane Wisdom
- Aristotelian Logic
- Arson
- Artillery
- Ascent to the Summit
- Backalley Pugilism
- Baking
- Bark Gathering
- Beaver Skinning
- Beekeeping
- Bellows Operation
- Big Game Hunting
- Bioluminescent Applications
- Blacksmithing
- Blowdarts
- Boneworks
- Boobytraps
- Botany
- Brazier Forging
- Bug Hunting
- Bullying
- Burial Rights
- Butcher's Thrift
- Butchery
- Cabbage Growing
- Cabinet Maker
- Cannibalism
- Carpentry
- Catapult Construction
- Catapults
- Cattle Ranching
- Cauldronmaking
- Cementation
- Ceramics & Crucibles
- Cheese Making
- Childish Things
- Clubbing
- Coaling
- Cobbling
- Coffer Making
- Collector
- Colonial Tradesmanship
- Colony Capitol
- Compacts & Constitutions
- Cotton Planting
- Dairymaid
- Debasement
- Developers
- Dressage
- Elaborate Gemcutting
- Elementary Gemcutting
- Embroidery & Silk
- Equestrian Mastery
- Essential Mineralogy
- Expeditions
- Expeditious Journeyman
- Experienced Traveler
- Exploration
- Eye for an Eye
- Fast Moves
- Fencing
- Field Dressing
- Fine Leathercraft
- Firearms
- Fishing
- Flags & Banners
- Floriculture
- Flowers & Berries
- Folk Medicine
- Foraging
- Foreign Theology
- Forestry
- French Cuisine
- French Tickler
- Fried Foods
- Friendly Wagers
- Frigid Journeys
- Fruit Orchards
- Fungiculture
- Game Meats
- Gardening
- Glass Blowing
- Goat Rearing
- Granite Excavation
- Grave Robbing
- Green Thumb
- Haberdashery
- Handheld Explosives
- Hideworking
- Hiking
- Hill Climbing
- His Majesty's Stall
- Hoarder
- Horse Riding
- Horticulture
- Humble Abodes
- I am the Darkness
- Igloo Construction
- Illicit Pharmacognosy
- Indian Tracking
- Inherent Rights
- Intermediate Cooking
- Iron Amalgamation
- Joinery & Finish
- Kiln Construction
- Labouring
- Lace & Fancywork
- Larceny
- Legacy
- Lepidopterology
- Literacy
- Locksmithing
- Long Distance Swimming
- Long Range Bombardment
- Lore of The Lumberwoods
- Loyalty Appreciation
- Lucky
- Maize Planting
- Mannequins
- Masonry
- Mechanics
- Mercantilism
- Metallurgy
- Metalsmithing
- Mineral Sifting
- Mining
- Monster Hunting
- Mortar Masonry
- Mountaineering
- Mushroom Hunting
- Musician
- Nut Orchards
- Nuts & Seeds
- Packrat
- Pajama Knitting
- Paper Making
- Patchwork & Rags
- Pharmacology Formal
- Pig Keeping
- Plague Handling
- Plantation Management
- Pockets
- Polearms
- Potato Growing
- Potions & Poultices
- Pottery
- Prospecting
- Psychotic Episodes
- Pulleys & Levers
- Pumpkin Planting
- Quarrying
- Really Lucky
- Revenge
- Ridiculously Lucky
- Rudimentary Triage
- Rustic Furniture
- Salem Store
- Sanctioned Mortification
- Scribing
- Seafood Chef
- Seamanship
- Self-Defense
- Settling
- Sewing
- Sheep Herding
- Shellfish Trapping
- Shrub Orchards
- Sight Seer
- Silversmithing
- Simple Cooking
- Simple Fences
- Slug Hunting
- Small Game Hunting
- Smoked Meats
- Sophisticated Furniture
- Stalls
- Steam Distillation
- Support The Patch
- Survival Skills
- Swimming
- Tanning
- Tasteful Gemcutting
- Tasty Pastries
- The Rights of Englishmen
- The Story of Cain & Abel
- Theology
- Three-field System
- Tobacco Planting
- Torches
- Trespassing
- Tulip Mania
- Turkey Farming
- Vegetable Potting
- Venison Cuisine
- Veterinarian
- Vineyards
- Vintner
- Viscera & Bits
- Waste
- Waterways
- Weapon Forging
- Weaving
- Whittling
- Windmill Theory
- Witchcraft
- Wrangling
- Yellow Belly
Skill Map, 2015