Fruit Orchards

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Fruit Orchards icon.png Fruit Orchards
"Fruit Orchards redies the Pilgrim with the necessary teachings to cultivate seasonal fruit trees."
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
18200 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
11500 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
4200 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"One that would have the fruit must climb the tree."

- Thomas Fuller, 1608 - 1661

Trees. Apex of plantlife, lording over the world in a continuum of balance and growth. Learning Fruit Orchards readies the Pilgrim with the necessary patience and teachings to cultivate seasonal fruit trees, that they might enjoy the boughs' bounties!


Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees cycle through three distinct phases: A dormant stage, a blossoming stage, and a ripe stage. A Fruit Tree spends each Coldsnap icon.png Coldsnap and begins each Everbloom icon.png Everbloom in the Dormant Stage. At a point determined by chance, during an Everbloom, a Fruit Tree will transition into the blossoming stage, denoted by flowers blossoming on the Fruit Tree. If a Fruit Tree is pollinated during this stage it will switch to the ripe stage. This is the stage where Fruit can be picked.

Potable Fruits

Planted with Output A Output B Output C Output D Output E
Apple icon.png Apple Apple Tree icon.png Apple Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Cherry icon.png Cherry Cherry Tree icon.png Cherry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Mulberry icon.png Mulberry Mulberry Tree icon.png Mulberry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Peach icon.png Peach Peach Tree icon.png Peach Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Pear icon.png Pear Pear Tree icon.png Pear Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Persimmon icon.png Persimmon Persimmon Tree icon.png Persimmon Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Plum icon.png Plum Plum Tree icon.png Plum Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Snozberry icon.png Snozberry Snozberry Tree icon.png Snozberry Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower

How to Plant in a Gardening Pot

  1. Select 1x Humus icon.png Humus and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot.
  2. If not, Select a Vessel with at least .20L of filled with Potable Water icon.png Potable Water and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. A Gardening Pot can hold up to 1L of Potable Water. Each planting will reduce the filled amount by .20L.
  3. Select the Potable item you wish to plant and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.
  4. Wait 3 days. Learning the Horticulture and Green Thumb Skills will reduce the time for plants to ripen.
  5. Once ripe, the plant's model will change. The base Yield for non-bushes and Trees is two. When planting you will receive a bonus Yield up to a max of 8 which is determined by chance and your Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts Proficiency. You will see your bonus Yield pop up in green as you add your Potable plant. At any point you may check the current Yield by right-clicking on your planted Gardening Pot.
  6. Ripe plants can now be picked by right-clicking the Gardening Pot and selecting "Pick". Bushes and Trees which have sprouted can be planted by Lift icon.png Lifting the Gardening Pot and then right-clicking the ground and selecting "Plant".

For Bush icon.png Bushes and Tree icon.png Trees there is a chance for your planting will fail and you will instead receive a single Branch icon.png Branch. This chance is determined by your Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts and Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy Proficiencies and additionally for some Trees, the Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna of the pilgrim who took the Cutting icon.png Cutting.

Butterfly & Moth Pollination

A Butterfly Conservatory icon.png Butterfly Conservatory, when Any Butterfly icon.png Any Butterflys or Any Moth icon.png Any Moths are placed inside, will pollinate nearby Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees during an Everbloom icon.png Everbloom. For each unique Butterfly added the Butterfly Conservatory will gain 5% efficiency, each unique Moth will add 10%. A Butterfly Conservatory has a longer range than a Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep but cannot transfer Purity onto the Fruit Trees.

How to Pollinate Fruit

  1. Place 1x Queen Bee icon.png Queen Bee and 6 to 10x Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bees in a Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep.
  2. Every other day open your Bee Skep and remove any Delphic Bee icon.png Delphic Bees additional or Queen Bees. Add more Drone Bees if you fall below 6.
  3. Bees will occasionally die, this is normal, add more Drone Bees if you fall below 6.
  4. Slowly your Bee Keep will fill with Worker Bees.
  5. Once your Worker Bees reach 60,000, or at any time before, you may remove all your Bees.
  6. Each Everbloom Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees within your Bee's Skep range will blossom and riped by chance.
  7. Each time a Fruit Tree ripens it gain up to 10% of the Purity difference between the Fruit Tree and your Bee Skep. This gain is reduced if you have less than 60k Worker Bees.

CAUTION: Opening a a Bee Skep will cause you to get stung. The severity of the sting is proportionate to the number of Worker Bees in the Bee Skep; generally between 5-15 Blood damage.

Fruit Purity

Each Everbloom icon.png Everbloom that a Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Tree ripes with a Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep in range, will cause your Fruit Tree to gain 10% of the difference between the Fruit Tree's Purity and the Purity of Bee Skep that pollinates it, multiplied by the percent fill of your 60,000 Worker Bees. For instance, if your Fruit Tree is at 0% Purity and your Bee Skep at 90% filled with 30k Worker Bees your Fruit Tree will gain 4.5% (90% x 50% (60k/30k). The Purity of a Bee Skep is equal to the average Purity of the Hay icon.png Hay used in it's

Forestry Skills

Skill Benefit
Acute Tree Harvesting icon.png Acute Tree Harvesting Pick more resources from Tree icon.png Trees.
Bark Gathering icon.png Bark Gathering Peel Birch Bark icon.png Birch Bark and Willow Bark icon.png Willow Bark.
Foraging icon.png Foraging Rummage Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nests and Squirrel Stash icon.png Squirrel Stashes.
Forestry icon.png Forestry Plant basic Tree icon.png Trees.
Fruit Orchards icon.png Fruit Orchards Plant Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees.
Lore of The Lumberwoods icon.png Lore of The Lumberwoods Chop down Trees to make Log icon.png Logs.
Nut Orchards icon.png Nut Orchards Plant Nut Tree icon.png Nut Trees.
Nuts & Seeds icon.png Nuts & Seeds Find more Spruce Cone icon.png Spruce Cones and Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnuts in the wild.
Survival Skills icon.png Survival Skills Pick Branch icon.png Branches.