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Agriculture icon.png Agriculture
"Allows you to till fields and plant Cereals"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
200 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
640 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land."

– Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude

While many may undertake the journey to the New World in search of plunder and gold, many more come seeking simply that humbler gold which every summer stands tall in the fields in promise of a rich harvest. Agriculture allows you to till fields and plant Cereals.


For an overview of Planting in general, see Tilled Field.

Any Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal is the product of a Cereal harvest. Initially 50x Seeds of Cereal icon.png Seeds of Cereal are required when Planting Ears of Cereal. If you don't have access to Seeds of Cereal icon.png Seeds of Cereal for Planting, it can be purchased for 125x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces from Spuds McArtor in Providence. For an overview of Planting, see Till Field icon.png Tilled Field.

Harvesting Ears of Cereal


When Harvesting a mature Ear of Cereal crop you may also rarely receive Wild Oats icon.png Wild Oats. Any Ear of Cereal can be Threshed using the Thresh Cereals icon.png Thresh Cereals recipe to produce 50x Seeds of Cereal icon.png Seeds of Cereal. There are 4 different varieties of Ears of Cereal. The varieties you get when harvesting depends on the total accumulated influence of the Red and the Pink bars. Successfully growing an Ear of Cereal crop adds to the Green bar. Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.

Tier Ear of Cereal Total Influence
1 Ear of Oats icon.png Ear of Oats 0 to 100.
2 Ear of Rye icon.png Ear of Rye
  • 75 to 150 more Pink than Red.
  • 150+ more Red than Pink.
2 Ear of Barley icon.png Ear of Barley
  • 75 to 150 more Red than Pink.
  • 150+ more Pink than Red.
3 Ear of Wheat icon.png Ear of Wheat 150+


Any Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal can be milled using the Mill Flour icon.png Mill Flour recipe on a Grindstone icon.png Grindstone, Copper Grinder icon.png Copper Grinder, or Windmill icon.png Windmill to produce 2.00 kilograms of the corresponding Flour icon.png Flour. All Flours can be stored in a Dry Goods Bag or a Dry Goods Container.

Flour From
Oatmeal icon.png Oatmeal Ear of Oats icon.png Ear of Oats
Barley Flour icon.png Barley Flour Ear of Barley icon.png Ear of Barley
Rye Flour icon.png Rye Flour Ear of Rye icon.png Ear of Rye
Wheat Flour icon.png Wheat Flour Ear of Wheat icon.png Ear of Wheat
Flour icon.png Flour Any combination of Flours.