In-Game Text
"Who makes himself a sheep will be eaten by the wolves."
– Proverb
Baaaah-ad are the night without a wool blanket for warmth or mutton for the table! Though antiquity would portray the kindly shepherd as a simple image of piety, there is nothing easy about raising sheep. Through care, study, and the skill of Sheep Herding, the avid herdsman can take on a flock of his own!
Sheep are Domesticated Animals which require the Skill Sheep Herding to properly utilize.
Sheep Types:
With a pair of Shears equipped, right-clicking on both Ewes and Rams gives the option to Shear. Shearing a Ewe give 1x Wool for each 10 points of its Productivity Stat. Additionally, when Sheared during a Coldsnap Ewes will yeild about 35% more Wool than if Sheared during an Everbloom. Shearing a Ram always gives 1x but with a chance to also get a Teasel. Sheep can be Sheared once a week. Feeding Sheep Carrots will decrease their Temperament.
Domesticated Animal Skills