Expeditious Journeyman
In-Game Text"The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet." -Lao Tzu 600 BC - 531 BC You are trailblazer and the land moves beneath the falling of your feet. With Expeditious Journeyman, you will find no hurdles in the landscape when traveling to and from town, appreciating that the destination can truly be more important than the journey! Fast TravelTraveling to ... Home allows you to Travel to your Homestead whether that be a Stake Claim or Leanto. ... to Colony Capitol allows you to Travel to the Colony Capitol. If you Travel from New haven or your Homestead, you can Travel with a full Inventory, however you can still Travel from anywhere so long as your Inventory and Backpack are empty. You may still have items in your Pockets. Traveling to ... Home or ... to Colony Capitol takes 25 seconds.
NOTE: You will NOT be able to Fast Travel while under the affects of the Crime! debuff, or from a Town Claim that is under the affects of a Trial by Fire. |