Advanced Husbandry

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Advanced Husbandry icon.png Advanced Husbandry
"Allows a Pilgrim more ways tend and care for domesticated animals"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
10800 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
6700 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
7500 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"Plants exist of the sake of animals and animals for the sake of men."

-Aristotle, 384-322 BC

Domesticated Animal Skills

Skill Benefit
Turkey Farming icon.png Turkey Farming Helps in the Raising of Turkey icon.png Turkeys.
Veterinarian icon.png Veterinarian Needed to treat animal Disease icon.png Disease.
Unknown Item icon.png Horse Riding Ability to ride Horse icon.png Horses.
Pig Keeping icon.png Pig Keeping Helps in the Raising of Pig icon.png Pigs.
Sheep Herding icon.png Sheep Herding Helps in the Raising of Sheep icon.png Sheep.
Wrangling icon.png Wrangling More options to Wrangle animals.
Goat Rearing icon.png Goat Rearing Helps in the Raising of Goat icon.png Goats.
Unknown Item icon.png Dressage Advanced ways to take care of Horse icon.png Horses.
Dairymaid icon.png Dairymaid. Gives option to Milk icon.png Milk animals.
Cattle Ranching icon.png Cattle Ranching Helps in the Raising of Cow icon.png Cows
Advanced Husbandry icon.png Advanced Husbandry Opens up advanced ways to take care of animals.
Unknown Item icon.png ??? Even more advanced ways to take care of Horse icon.png Horses.