The Rights of Englishmen
In-Game Text"No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land." – The Magna Carta Divine Providence has seen fit to grant all English freemen the sacred Right of self-defense, and the best defense can at times be offense. The Rights of Englishmen allow you to attack other Pilgrims. Assault & BatteryAssaultAssault is an act of Crime where one pilgrim initiates combat with another pilgrim. The first attack will leave a Scent which will remain for 1 day, but not Summonable Evidence. Subsequent attacks will not leave Scents. Acts of Self-Defense will not leave Scents. Assault Scents will not drop when combat is started inside a Mine Entrance. Before learning The Rights of Englishmen Skill you will not be able to land attacks on other pilgrims outside land covered by your own Stake Claim. BatteryBattery is an act of Crime where one pilgrim Knocks Out another pilgrim. Knocking Out a pilgrim will leave a Scent which will remain for 3 days, but not Summonable Evidence. Aggravated Assault WARNING! Committing an act of Aggravated Assault will leave Summonable Evidence that may result being sent to the Stocks or worse!
Protecting Against Assault & BatterySelf-DefenseAs getting Knocked Out carries the possibility of having your Face Beat or even being Permanently Killed, the best defense is to not be Knocked Out - fighting back may be your only option. Once the Self-Defense Skill has been learned, you will able to fight back. Learning additionally Attack Moves may provide you will more options when fighting. RansomingIf you have been Knocked Out by an attacker, once the Yellow Belly Skill has been learned, you may right-click on your attacker and select "Offer Ransom" to offer 60% of the Silver Pieces stored in your Bank Account. Your attacker has the option to Accept or Decline your offer, if Accepted, your money will be withdrawn and you will be sent back to your Homestead. Criminal ActsIn order to commit most Crimes Criminal Acts must be toggled on. Toggling it off prevents you from committing most Crimes. Certain Criminal Acts drain Black Bile when they are being committed. Your Criminality Artifact Bonus may be able to reduce this drain. Acts of Crime