In-Game Text
"Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it."
– Sir Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
The Allmighty Creator has seen fit in his eternal wisdom to endow the world with certain immutable laws of mechanics and of the natural order. The cunning artificer does well to study and employ these principles to further the advancement of both his holy cause, as well as those of King and Country. Pulleys & Levers allows you to construct looms for weaving.
Landcraft are Transport Vehicles which can be Pulled over land. Objects can be loaded into a Landcraft by Lifting it and right-clicking the Landcraft, and unload by right-clicking any of the sacks in the Landcraft. Landcraft themselves cannot be Lifted when cargo is loaded inside of them. Landcraft can be Pulled behind you by right-clicking it and selecting "Pull" and disengaged by right-clicking and selecting "Stop". Additionally attempting to Pull over Water, hitting cliffs, Structures, or running into Creatures will automatically cancel your Pull.
Engineering Skills