Cabbage Growing

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Cabbage Growing icon.png Cabbage Growing
"Allows you to plant and harvest cabbages"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
500 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
1200 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
350 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"Cabbages are extremely windy, whether you take them as meat or as medicine, as windy meat as can be eaten, unless you eat bag-pipes or bellows…"

– Nickolas Culpeper, A Complete Herbal

Cabbage Growing allows you to plant and harvest cabbages, a healthy, vegetable addition to any colonial larder.


Cabbage icon.png Cabbage is the product of a Cabbage harvest. Initially 15x Seeds of Cabbage icon.png Seeds of Cabbage are required when Planting Cabbage. If you don't have access to Seeds of Cabbage icon.png Seeds of Cabbage for Planting, it can be purchased for 15x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces from Spuds McArtor in Providence. For an overview of Planting, see Till Field icon.png Tilled Field.


Harvesting Cabbage

When Harvesting a mature Cabbage crop you will also receive a Cabbage Seedstalk icon.png Cabbage Seedstalk and rarely a Curious Cabbage icon.png Curious Cabbage. If a Cabbage Seedstalk is left in any Container to dry for 24 hours it will become Seeds of Cabbage icon.png Seeds of Cabbage. There are 4 different varieties of Cabbage. The varieties you get when Harvesting depends on the total accumulated Influence of the Blue and the Pink bars. Successfully growing a Cabbage crop will add to the Red bar. Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.

Tier Cabbage Total Influence
1 Colewort icon.png Colewort 0 to 100.
2 Head of Green Cabbage icon.png Head of Green Cabbage
  • 75 to 150 more Blue than Pink.
  • 150+ more Pink than Blue.
2 Head of White Cabbage icon.png Head of White Cabbage
  • 75 to 150 more Pink than Blue.
  • 150+ more Blue than Pink.
3 Head of Red Cabbage icon.png Head of Red Cabbage 150+

Heads of Cabbage

Right-click any Cabbage icon.png Cabbage and select "Split" to divide your Cabbage into the corresponding Any Cabbage Leaf icon.png Any Cabbage Leaf and 1x Cabbage Core icon.png Cabbage Core. Normally you will receive 6x Leaves of Cabbage, but the finial Cabbages Harvested may contain less.

Head Leaf
Colewort icon.png Colewort Leaf of Colewort icon.png Leaf of Colewort
Curious Cabbage icon.png Curious Cabbage Leaf of Green Cabbage icon.png Leaf of Green Cabbage
Head of Green Cabbage icon.png Head of Green Cabbage Leaf of Green Cabbage icon.png Leaf of Green Cabbage
Head of White Cabbage icon.png Head of White Cabbage Leaf of White Cabbage icon.png Leaf of White Cabbage
Head of Red Cabbage icon.png Head of Red Cabbage Leaf of Red Cabbage icon.png Leaf of Red Cabbage