In-Game Text
"I had got the first handful of seed-corn, which, as I have said, came up unexpectedly, and indeed to a surprize... I had the next six months to apply myself wholly, by labour and invention, to furnish myself with utensils proper for the performing of all the operations necessary for making the corn, when I had it, fit for my use."
-Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, 1719
Long cultivated by the natives Maize Planting allows for you to harvest and plan the various strains of Corn.
Corn is both the product of a mature Corn harvest and its own Seed. Initially 50x Corn are required when Planting Corn. If you don't have access to Corn for Planting, it can be purchased for 1250x Silver Pieces from Spuds McArtor in Providence. For an overview of Planting, see Tilled Field.
Harvesting Corn
Corn can be Harvested at two different growth stages: immature and mature. Harvesting Corn during its first, immature, growth stage will yield Baby Corn. Allowing the crop to mature will yield adult Corn. Only the second, mature, stage will give you the Seeds which will allow you to replant, so don't be too eager to harvest your crop unless you specifically want Baby Corn. When Harvesting mature Corn you will also receive a Corn Husk and rarely, a Curious Indian Corn. There are 4 different varieties of Corn which can be produced from a Tilled Field. The varieties you get when Harvesting depends on the total accumulated Influence of the Red and the Blue bars. Successfully growing a mature Corn crop adds to the Green bar.
Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.
Corn can be milled using the Mill Flour recipe on a Grindstone, Copper Grinder, or Windmill to produce 2.00 kilograms of the corresponding Cornmeal for each 25x Corn used. All Cornmeals can be stored in a Dry Goods Bag or a Dry Goods Container.
Corn Oil
Corn can be Pressed inside a Press to produce 1 liter of the corresponding Corn Oil for each 20x Corn used. Corn Oil can be stored in a Vessel or Wet Goods Container. Corn Oil counts Vegetable Oil in recipes.