Acute Tree Harvesting

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Acute Tree Harvesting icon.png Acute Tree Harvesting
"Increases the quantity and quality of resources obtained from trees"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
1175 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
850 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
600 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

"Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root"

~Malay Proverb

Careless Pilgrims often overlook the simple treasures of a tree. Acute Tree Harvesting increases the quantity and quality of resources obtained from trees.

Forestry Skills

Skill Benefit
Acute Tree Harvesting icon.png Acute Tree Harvesting Pick more resources from Tree icon.png Trees.
Bark Gathering icon.png Bark Gathering Peel Birch Bark icon.png Birch Bark and Willow Bark icon.png Willow Bark.
Foraging icon.png Foraging Rummage Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nests and Squirrel Stash icon.png Squirrel Stashes.
Forestry icon.png Forestry Plant basic Tree icon.png Trees.
Fruit Orchards icon.png Fruit Orchards Plant Fruit Tree icon.png Fruit Trees.
Lore of The Lumberwoods icon.png Lore of The Lumberwoods Chop down Trees to make Log icon.png Logs.
Nut Orchards icon.png Nut Orchards Plant Nut Tree icon.png Nut Trees.
Nuts & Seeds icon.png Nuts & Seeds Find more Spruce Cone icon.png Spruce Cones and Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnuts in the wild.
Survival Skills icon.png Survival Skills Pick Branch icon.png Branches.

Foraging Skills

Skill Benefit
Acute Tree Harvesting icon.png Acute Tree Harvesting Pick more resources from Tree icon.png Trees.
Botany icon.png Botany Find more Any Plant icon.png Any Plants in the wild.
Essential Mineralogy icon.png Essential Mineralogy Find more Stone icon.png Any Stones in the wild.
Exploration icon.png Exploration Find more of all Foragables in the wild.
Flowers & Berries icon.png Flowers & Berries Find more Any Flower icon.png Any Flowers and pick more Any Berries icon.png Any Berries.
Foraging icon.png Foraging Ability to use the Forage icon.png Forage Foraging Movement.
Hiking icon.png Hiking Ability to use the Wander icon.png Wander Foraging Movement.
Indian Tracking icon.png Indian Tracking Find more Any Plant icon.png Any Plants in the wild.
Mushroom Hunting icon.png Mushroom Hunting Find more Any Mushroom icon.png Any Mushrooms in the wild.
Nuts & Seeds icon.png Nuts & Seeds Find more Spruce Cone icon.png Spruce Cones and Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnuts in the wild.
Seafood Chef icon.png Seafood Chef Find more Oyster icon.png Oysters in the wild.
Slug Hunting icon.png Slug Hunting Find more Virginia Snail icon.png Virginia Snails in the wild.