His Majesty's Stall

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His Majesty's Stall icon.png His Majesty's Stall
"Items His Majesty's Stall enables"
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Trade Orders and IOUs

His Majesty has recently had a need for some items more commonly found in the New World. Being the master of supply and demand that he is he's decided to task the collection of these items on Salemites and promises unlimited power, never-ending wealth, and plenty of luck to all those who assist him. The first 11 tasks given will simply yield between 1-5x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces and act as a test to insure that He is only working with the most dedicated of pilgrims. Once a pilgrim completes their Entry Tasks then they can start receiving random Trade Order icon.png Trade Orders from His Majesty. The harder the Trade Order the more IOUs icon.png IOUs His Majesty will award for its completion.

Clicking on His Majesty's son will give you a random Trade Order. This can be done once ever 12 hours and does NOT require any Trade Orders to be completed, so it is possible to be working on many Trade Orders at the same time, or get rid of ones that don't seem worth completing. Trade Orders can be stored in a Bark Binder icon.png Bark Binder. Materials can be placed into a Trade Order by selecting the item and right-clicking it on the Trade Order, but can NOT be removed even tho there is a "Take" option. A Trade Order or Evidence of Royal Conspiracy icon.png Evidence of Royal Conspiracy can be turned in by selecting your Trade Order and right-clicking it on His Majesty's son. This will put IOUs into your account.

Your IOU balance can be checked only once you have completed your Entry Tasks. To check your IOU balance right-click on the pedestal slightly to the North of His Majesty's Stall and select "Check Current Balance". Selecting "View Loyal Subjects" will show the IOU Leaderboard. NOTE: Your IOU balance will show both IOUs from completed Trade Orders and Evidence of Royal Conspiracies, however the Leaderboard only counts IOUs from completed Trade Orders. Fortunately, both IOUs function identically when used to purchase items through His Majesty's Stall.

Order Types

Each type of Trade Order has a shape indicating its difficulty and reward.

Type Look Difficulty
Short Shortorder.png Easy

His Majesty's Stall

In addition to handing out Trade Orders, His Majesty's Son runs a special Stall in Providence filled with rewards only purchasable with IOUs. His Majesty's Stall usually features a few base items and 1 or more seasonal items.


Base Items:

Item Price Notes
Mason's Necklace icon.png Mason's Necklace IOUs icon.png 4x Required for Mason's Lodge.
Masonic Toolkit icon.png Masonic Toolkit IOUs icon.png 11x Required for Mason's Lodge.
His Majesty's Pardon icon.png His Majesty's Pardon IOUs icon.png 7x Release a Criminal from the Stocks
His Majesty's Displeasure icon.png His Majesty's Displeasure IOUs icon.png 2x Send a Criminal to the Stocks

Mason's Lodge

The Mason's Lodge is a secret building in Providence which offers unique services to fellow Masons, provable by the wearing of a Mason's Necklace icon.png Mason's Necklace. While the location of this building is not public knowledge, Providence's Notary Benjamin Bryberry may have some information to share. The higher your rank as a Mason, the more services will be available to you.