In-Game Text
"Afterwards he lifteth the Beam upon Tressels by the help of a Pully, fasteneth it with Cramp-irons and marketh it out with a Line. Then he frameth the Walls together, and fasteneth the great Pieces with Pins."
– John Amos Comenius, Orbis Sensualium Pictus, The Visible World in Pictures, 1658
The completion of certain projects of the higher order also require more cultured feats of woodworking. Joinery & Finish allows you to build a Carpenter's Bench and an Oiling Trough, to lay down Timber Piles for drying, and to properly plane and level boards.
How to Make Planed and Oiled Boards
- Using the
Plane Board action and a Carpenter's Bench plane your Dry Boards. If successful you will create a Planed Board. If unsuccessful you will receive 2x Wood Choppings instead. Your success rate can be increased by your Woodworking Artifice Bonus. When creating Planned Boards there is a chance to receive High Notes of Amber Resin. This chance is also increased by your Woodworking Artifice Bonus.
- Select a Vessel of at least 2x Liters of
Vegetable Oil and right-click it onto an Oiling Trough.
- Right-click on your Oiling Trough to open it and place up to 8 Planed Boards inside.
- In about 2 days the Planed Boards will become either
Oiled Boards or Warped Boards at about a 50/50 chance. Each Board will consume 2x Liters of Vegetable Oil. Warped Boards can be re-planed back into Planed Boards to try again.
Woodworking Skills