In-Game Text
"Boom Headshot!"
– Anonymous, 1481
Fire in the HOLE! Long Range Bombardment allows for the use of Mortars. A stationary cannon that will allow you to load various objects into it including but not limited to anvils, herbpots and barrels! Right click a mortar to bring up your blast radius and then left click to fire away! The higher your Sparks & Embers the shorter the duration between your click and the landing of your shot!
The Long Range Bombardment Skill must be learned in order to fire a Long Range Mortar.
A Long Range Mortar is a ballistic device which can fire various Liftable Structures to deal Blood damage to pilgrims and Creatures. Getting hit by a Structure fired from a ballistic device will cause Blood damage, cause you to be briefly Stunned, and cause you to have a Concussion. Each subsequent hit will increase the length of your Concussion. Additionally some Structures fired from a Long Range Mortar will damage Trial by Combats, Trial by Fires, and Trees. A Long Range Bombardment CANNOT be Salvaged.
How to Fire a Mortar
Lift an appropriate structure and click on the Long Range Mortar to load it.
- With the Long Range Bombardment Skill learned, right-clicking the Long Range Mortar to bring up the target
- Clicking the target will cause the Long Range Mortar to fire. There are NO restrictions as to where the target can be clicked.
- There will be a delay between when you click the target to fire and when the Long Range Mortar actually fires. This firing time is reduced by your
Sparks & Embers Proficiency.
A Concussion is received when getting hit by an object fired from a Catapult or Long Range Mortar. A Concussion your maximum Black Bile and prevents you from logging out or Sleeping. Different objects fired from them each have a different severity, additionally your Concussion can stack, so getting hit multiple times will increase the severity, and therefore the length, of your Concussion as well as the amount of Black Bile you lost. Concussions will go away on there own relative to the severity of the Concussion.
CAUTION: You cannot log out or go to Sleep while Concussed.
Ballistic Devices