Mine Entrance

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Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance
Skill(s) required:
Size: 3x3
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by: None


A Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance is Specialized Building which must be built on a Copper or Iron Node and is used primary to Mine icon.png Mine. A Mine can NOT be Destroy icon.png Destroyed or Salvage icon.png Salvaged.

Prospecting Devices

Equipping a Prospecting Device allows you to Prospect icon.png Prospect. Prospecting reveals the locations of Well Points and Ore Nodes which are hidden underground. When Prospecting a pink arrow will appear above your head which will spin randomly until you get close enough to a Node for it to lock on. Once it has locked on it will towards point the nearest Node's. Once you are close enough a Node will appear on the ground as a patch with brown, gray, or blue steaks running through it. Currently a Prospecting Device's Purity does NOT matter.

Item Hands Finds
Dowsing Rods icon.png Dowsing Rods 1 All Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance Nodes.
Woo-Woo-Wand icon.png Woo-Woo-Wand 2


The initial signpost for a Mine Entrance or Well must be built on the appropriate Node with Prospect icon.png Prospect activated. NOTE: While a Copper Node and Iron Node look different, they are functionally the same.

Copper Node Iron Node Well Point
Coppernode.jpg Ironnode.jpg Wellspot.jpg

Specialized Buildings

Specialized Buildings are buildings which generally must be built on Pavement and can be entered and but don't always not count as "inside". Generally these buildings can be Lock icon.png Locked.

Building Require Pavement? Inside? Floors Floor Size Primary Purpose Unique Structures Lockable?
Barn icon.png Barn No Yes 1 816 Tiles Housing Domesticated Animals Barn Stall icon.png Barn Stall Yes
Crypt icon.png Crypt No Yes 1 18 Tiles Inheritance Yes
Igloo icon.png Igloo No No 1 20 Tiles Hypothermia avoidance ???
Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance Yes No up to 8 Mining Mine Support icon.png Mine Support, Miner's Support Beam icon.png Miner's Support Beam No
Town Church icon.png Town Church Yes ??? 1 63 Tiles Pushing back the Darkness Bench icon.png Bench Yes
Windmill icon.png Windmill Yes Yes 3 64, 42, 16 Tiles Milling Flour Yes

Building within Mines

Many structures can be built within a mine. Others can be {{i|Lift}]ed and carried into your Mine and placed. Some pilgrims use their Mine for storage or structures that would otherwise occupy valuable room in their base. The below is an incomplete list of the structures that have been tested. Unless a structures specifically states otherwise, structures typically do not Decay inside a Mine.

Structure Can be Built?
Blazing Brazier icon.png Blazing Brazier x1 No
Leanto icon.png Leanto x1 No
Makeshift Fence icon.png Makeshift Fence x1 No
Plank Fence icon.png Plank Fence x1 No
Split-rail Fence icon.png Split-rail Fence x1 No
Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claim x1 No
Stone Hedge icon.png Stone Hedge x1 No
Torchpost icon.png Torchpost x1 No
Pilgrim's Hovel icon.png Pilgrim's Hovel x1 No
Shed icon.png Shed x1 Yes
Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven x1 Yes
Drying Frame icon.png Drying Frame x1 Yes
Fireplace icon.png Fireplace x1 Yes
Kiln icon.png Kiln x1 Yes
Meatsmoker icon.png Meatsmoker x1 Yes
Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance x1 No
Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter x1 Yes
Press icon.png Press x1 Yes
Simple Stove icon.png Simple Stove x1 No
Stamp Mill icon.png Stamp Mill x1 Yes
Barrel icon.png Barrel x1 Yes
Chest icon.png Chest x1 Yes
Cupboard icon.png Cupboard x1 No
Metal Chest icon.png Metal Chest x1 Yes
Wooden Box icon.png Wooden Box x1 Yes
Woven Basket icon.png Woven Basket x1 Yes
Anvil icon.png Anvil x1 Yes
Baking Table icon.png Baking Table x1 Yes
Canoe icon.png Canoe x1 Yes
Carpenter's Bench icon.png Carpenter's Bench x1 Yes
Clay Trough icon.png Clay Trough x1 Yes
Compost icon.png Compost x1 Yes
Loom icon.png Loom x1 No
Oiling Trough icon.png Oiling Trough x1 Yes
Rowboat icon.png Rowboat x1 Yes
Sawbuck icon.png Sawbuck x1 Yes
Sturdy Sled icon.png Sturdy Sled x1 Yes
Tanning Tub icon.png Tanning Tub x1 Yes
Whittler's Bench icon.png Whittler's Bench x1 Yes
Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood x1 Yes
Simple Chair icon.png Simple Chair x1 Yes
Simple Table icon.png Simple Table x1 Yes
Till Field icon.png Tilled Field x1 No
Wooden Sign icon.png Wooden Sign x1 Yes
Coal Clamp icon.png Coal Clamp x1 Yes
Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile x1 No
Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop x1 Yes

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Mine Entrance (M)