Tilled Field

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Till Field icon.png Tilled Field
Skill(s) required:
Size: 4x4
Object(s) required: None
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


With the Agriculture Skill learned a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field can be built using the Till Field action. Having Any Hoe icon.png Any Hoe equipped decreases both the Phlegm cost and the time it takes to build a Tilled Field.

How to Plant Crops

  1. Prepare your Tilled Field: Select a Humus icon.png Humus and right-click it onto your Tilled Field. For a fresh Tilled Field at 100% Upkeep, this will require 5x Humus.
  2. Seed your Tilled Field: Select the Seeds you wish to Plant and right-click them onto your Tilled Field. The amount of Seed required is generally dependent on your Tilled Field's Upkeep.
  3. Fertilize your Tilled Field: Select the desired Fertilizer and right-click it onto your Tilled Field.


What produce is dependent on the Seed Planted, the Influence of the Tilled Field, and sometimes the growth stage the crop is harvested at. The amount of Seed required varies by crop and by the Tilled Fields's Upkeep.

Seed Amount Required at 100% Upkeep How Obtained Notes
Seeds of Cereal icon.png Seeds of Cereal 50x Thresh Cereals icon.png Thresh Cereals
Seeds of Cabbage icon.png Seeds of Cabbage 15x Drying a Cabbage Seedstalk icon.png Cabbage Seedstalk
Seeds of Cotton icon.png Seeds of Cotton 50x Clean Cotton icon.png Clean Cotton
Corn icon.png Corn 50x Harvesting Both the product and the Seed.
Seeds of Pumpkin icon.png Seeds of Pumpkin 50x Slicing Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins Amount received depends on growth stage of harvest
Potato Chunk icon.png Potato Chunk 1x Splitting Any Potato icon.png Any Potato 1x at any Upkeep.
Seeds of Tobacco icon.png Seeds of Tobacco 50x Harvesting Amount received depends on Affluence Bonus
Seed Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Seeds of Cotton icon.png Seeds of Cotton Yellow-Stained Cotton icon.png Yellow-Stained Cotton Indian Cotton icon.png Indian Cotton
Egyptian Cotton icon.png Egyptian Cotton
Sea Island Cotton icon.png Sea Island Cotton
Seeds of Cereal icon.png Seeds of Cereal Ear of Oats icon.png Ear of Oats Ear of Rye icon.png Ear of Rye
Ear of Barley icon.png Ear of Barley
Ear of Wheat icon.png Ear of Wheat
Seeds of Cabbage icon.png Seeds of Cabbage Colewort icon.png Colewort Head of Green Cabbage icon.png Head of Green Cabbage
Head of White Cabbage icon.png Head of White Cabbage
Head of Red Cabbage icon.png Head of Red Cabbage
Seeds of Pumpkin icon.png Seeds of Pumpkin Varies by stage Varies by stage Varies by stage
Corn icon.png Corn Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn White Corn icon.png White Corn
Blue Corn icon.png Blue Corn
Golden Corn icon.png Golden Corn
Potato Chunk icon.png Potato Chunk Brown Potato icon.png Brown Potato Yellow Potato icon.png Yellow Potato
Blue Potato icon.png Blue Potato
Red Potato icon.png Red Potato
Seeds of Tobacco icon.png Seeds of Tobacco Broad-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Broad-Leaf Tobacco Bright-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Bright-Leaf Tobacco
Shade-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Shade-Leaf Tobacco
Gold-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Gold-Leaf Tobacco


Tilled Field's have 4 stats, which can be viewed when right-clicking on a Tilled Field.

Stat Effect
Influence What tier produce grows.
Upkeep Cost to replant.
Speed How fast the crop grows.
Plenty How much produce is received at harvest.


Influence bars.png

A Tilled Field has four Influence Bars - Red, Blue, Green, and Pink. Each crop has a bar which its crops influence and two which it is in turn influenced by. The tier of produce, and the amount of each produce received, at Harvest is determined by the sum of the two bars it is influenced by. When a Tilled Field is Harvested, the bar which that crop influences will increase by 3 times that Tilled Field's Influence Percentage and the other three bars will be reduced by 5. Learning the Three-field System Skill will increase your influence gain to 5 times. A Tilled Field's Influence Percentage is reset after each Harvest but its Influence Bars are not. Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.

Crop Influenced By 1 Influenced By 2 Influences
Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal 4 1 2
Cabbage icon.png Cabbage 3 4 1
Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton 1 2 3
Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin 2 3 4
Corn icon.png Corn 1 3 2
Any Potato icon.png Any Potato 3 4 1
Tobacco icon.png Tobacco 1 2 3
Wanted Result 1st Rotation 2nd Rotation
Cabbage icon.png Cabbage Cotton Pumpkin (Sugar Treat, Connecticut Field, Harvest Moon)
Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton Cabbage Ear of Cereals (Ear of Barley)
Cabbage Corn (White Corn)
Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal Pumpkin Cabbage (Head of White Cabbage)
Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin Ear of Cereals Cotton (Egyptian Cotton)
Corn Cotton (Egyptian Cotton)
Cotton Corn (Blue Corn)
Corn icon.png Corn Cabbage Cotton (Indian Cotton)
Cotton Cabbage (Head of Green Cabbage)

NOTE: In the above table Potatoes can be used in place of Cabbage, and Tobacco can be used in place of Cotton.

Crop Table by Lusewing
Crop Table by Murphy


Upkeep affects the amount of resources needed to replant a Tilled Field - the lower the Tilled Field's Upkeep the less Humus icon.png Humus and Seeds will be needed. Normally a Tilled Field's Upkeep has a Cap of 50%, however, once the Plantation Management Skill has been learned, with Any Hoe icon.png Any Hoe equipped, you can right-click a Tilled Field and select "Tend" to permanently reduce it's Upkeep Cap. This reduction is based off the type of Hoe used. After each Planting your Tilled Field's Upkeep will increase by 5. However, Upkeep can be reduced by the Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer used during Planting, down to it's Cap.

Combat Behavior

Attack Blood Damage Effects

Tilled Fields are non-aggressive so unless provoked Tilled Fields will not attack. If a Crow icon.png Crow is attacked while in movement, it will defend itself and initiate combat. If a Crow icon.png Crow is attacked while at rest, it will fly off, leaving a Crow Feather icon.png Crow Feather behind.


If a Crow icon.png Crow lands anywhere on your Till Field icon.png Tilled Field, it will increase that Field's Upkeep to 600%. A Questionably Effective Scarecrow icon.png Questionably Effective Scarecrow, when placed nearby, will prevent Crows from landing on your Tilled Fields. NOTE: The entire Tilled Field must be withing the radius of the Scarecrow's protection to prevent Crows from landing.

If a Crow does land in your Tilled Field the most effective recourse is to Destroy icon.png Destroy it with Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt if the Purity is low, or using 30x Humus icon.png Humus and 1x Potato Chunk icon.png Potato Chunk or 1x Wild Tuber icon.png Wild Tuber to reset your Tilled Field to 100% Upkeep.


Speed reduces the time it takes for crops Planted in a Tilled Field to reach maturity. Speed is affected by the Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer used during Planting. As Speed affects the time remaining not the total time, it is advised to use Speed Fertilizers early in Planting as they be progressively less effective the closer the crops are to harvest. A Tilled Field's Speed is reset after each harvest.

Plant Type Base Speed
Cabbage icon.png Cabbage 3 Days
Corn icon.png Corn 3 Days
Clean Cotton icon.png Cotton 4 Days
Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereals 3 Days
Any Potato icon.png Any Potato 4 ½ Days
Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin 8 Days
Tobacco icon.png Tobacco ? Days


Plenty increases the amount of crops you receive when Harvesting a Tilled Field. The amount of produce you will receive when Harvesting is determined by your Tilled Field's Plenty divided by that crop's Plenty constant. While Plenty is affected by the Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer used during Planting, a bonus is also given at the time of Planting which is based on chance and your Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars. Additionally 50 Plenty is added to your Tilled Field if it is Harvested during an Everbloom icon.png Everbloom. A Tilled Field's Plenty is reset after each Harvest.

Crop Plenty Constant
1x Ear of Cereal icon.png Ear of Cereal per 50
1x Cabbage icon.png Cabbage per ???
1x Raw Cotton icon.png Raw Cotton per 20
1x Corn icon.png Corn per ???
1x Any Potato icon.png Any Potato per 20
1x Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin per ???
1x Tobacco icon.png Tobacco per 50


Once a Tilled Field has been prepared with Humus and Planted with Seeds, you can add Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer to your Tilled Field to modify your its Influence, Upkeep, Speed, and Plenty. However, each Fertilizer used reduces the effectiveness of next. Fertilizer can be added by selecting the desired Fertilizer and right-clicking it on the Tilled Field.

Fertilizer Type Upkeep Plenty Speed Influence
Bloom icon.png Bloom - - ▲ 700 -
Bone Ash icon.png Bone Ash ▽ 30 - - -
Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal - ▲ 100 - -
Carver's Crappy Downtime Droppings icon.png Carver's Crappy Downtime Droppings - - ▲ 1500 -
Clay icon.png Clay - - ▽ 50 ▲ 60
Charcoal icon.png Charcoal - ▽ 50 ▲ 50 -
Cow Manure icon.png Cow Manure - ▲ 150 ▲ 150 ▲ 180
Crown Manure icon.png Crown Manure - ▲ 250 ▲ 125 ▲ 150
Dross icon.png Dross - - ▲ 125 -
Egg Shell icon.png Egg Shell - - ▲ 90 ▲ 48
Fertile Turkey Droppings icon.png Fertile Turkey Droppings - ▲ 90 ▲ 180 ▲ 108
Goat Manure icon.png Goat Manure - ▲ 100 ▲ 100 ▲ 180
Guano icon.png Guano - ▲ 475 ▲ 625 ▲ 270
Hay icon.png Hay - - - ▲ 110
Humus icon.png Humus - ▲ 25 ▲ 50 ▲ 29
Lime icon.png Lime - ▲ 50 ▽ 50 -
Little Limestone icon.png Little Limestone - ▲ 500 - -
Mysterious Lillypad icon.png Mysterious Lillypad - - - ▲ 1,100
Pig Manure icon.png Pig Manure - ▲ 150 ▲ 100 ▲ 120
Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit - - ▲ 180 ▲ 108
Sheep Manure icon.png Sheep Manure - ▲ 100 ▲ 250 ▲ 120
Turkey Droppings icon.png Turkey Droppings - ▲ 40 ▲ 90 ▲ 48
Whale Excrement icon.png Whale Excrement ▽ 40 - - -
Wood Choppings icon.png Wood Choppings ▽ 20 - - -

NOTE Values for Influence are factored with the bonus from having learned Three-field System.


When your crops have matured, or reached the desired stage, right-click on your Tilled Field and select "Harvest". After a Tilled Field is Harvested, Influence, Speed, and Plenty are reset. Using the Salem Store bought Reaping Scythe icon.png Reaping Scythe will dramatically increase the speed which you harvest mature crops from a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field.

Farming Purity

The Purity of crops Harvested from a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field is based on a combination of the Purity of the Tilled Field, the Purity of the Seeds used when Planting, and chance, which may increase or decrease the Purity of a Harvest by a few percent. Each time the Harvest is higher than the Tilled Field's Purity that Field's Purity will permanently increase by up to 1%.

Destroying a Tilled Field

A Till Field icon.png Tilled Field cannot be Destroy icon.png Destroyed by normal means and instead requires the use of Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt. To Destroy a Tilled Field select a Coarse Salt and right-click it on the Field. You will need enough to first lower the Tilled Field's Purity to 0, after that, each subsequent Coarse Salt added will deal damage. Each Coarse Salt added reduces the Purity by 5% or deals 50% damage.

Agriculture Skills

Skill Benefit
Agriculture icon.png Agriculture Make a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field
Cabbage Growing icon.png Cabbage Growing Grow Cabbage icon.png Cabbage
Cotton Planting icon.png Cotton Planting Grow Raw Cotton icon.png Raw Cotton
Pumpkin Planting icon.png Pumpkin Planting Grow Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins
Potato Growing icon.png Potato Growing Grow Any Potato icon.png Any Potato
Maize Planting icon.png Maize Planting Grow Corn icon.png Corn
Three-field System icon.png Three-field System Makes Influence more effective.
Tobacco Planting icon.png Tobacco Planting Grow Tobacco icon.png Tobacco
Plantation Management icon.png Plantation Management New ways to reduce Upkeep.