Baking Table

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Baking Table icon.png Baking Table
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: Board
Required by:
Required by:


A Baking Table icon.png Baking Table is a baking table with 8x slots for dough.

Baking Tables

Baking tables are used to make and Rest Pie Doughs and Leaven Bread Doughs. When preparing Foods at a baking table there is a chance to receive an Eloped Gingerbread Man icon.png Eloped Gingerbread Man. Using the Salem Store bought Rolling Pin icon.png Rolling Pin will increase the speed you roll Dough as well as double the chance to get an Eloped Gingerbread Man. Rolling Dough on a Baking Table removes a small amount of Insanity.

Option Main Difference Notes
Baking Table icon.png Baking Table 8x slots.
Chef's Baking Table icon.png Chef's Baking Table 12x slots. Store bought.

How To Make Bajgiels

  1. Using a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table, craft the Unboiled Bajgiel Dough icon.png Unboiled Bajgiel Dough. When preparing Foods at a Baking Table there is a chance to receive a Eloped Gingerbread Man icon.png Eloped Gingerbread Man.
  2. Place the Unboiled Bajgiel Dough in a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot full of Potable Water on top of a lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace.
  3. Wait 15 seconds and open the Pot and remove the now Boiled Bajgiel Dough icon.png Boiled Bajgiel Dough. Leaving the Dough in longer does not ruin or effect the Dough.
  4. Boiled Bajgiel Dough can now be placed in a lit Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven to Bake for 8 minutes. When baking Foods in a Bread Oven there is a chance for those Foods to become Animal Crackers icon.png Animal Crackers instead.
  5. The Resulting Bajgiel icon.png Bajgiel can now be eaten plain or topped to make other types of Bajgiels.

How To Bake Bread and Tarts

  1. Using a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table, craft the desired Dough. When preparing Foods at a Baking Table there is a chance to receive a Eloped Gingerbread Man icon.png Eloped Gingerbread Man.
  2. Open the Baking Table and insert the Dough and wait. This will allow Bread Dough to Leaven. Note: Right-clicking on any Leavened Dough and selecting "Split" will split the Dough into 8x Sourdough Starter icon.png Sourdough Starters for use in other recipes.
  3. Leavened Dough can now be placed in a lit Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven to Bake. When baking Foods in a Bread Oven there is a chance for those Foods to become Animal Crackers icon.png Animal Crackers instead.

How To Bake Pies

  1. Using a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table, combine 0.35 kilograms Wheat Flour icon.png Wheat Flour with .75 liters of Potable Water icon.png Potable Water to make an Unrested Pie Dough icon.png Unrested Pie Dough. When preparing Foods at a Baking Table there is a chance to receive a Eloped Gingerbread Man icon.png Eloped Gingerbread Man.
  2. Open the Baking Table and insert the Unrested Pie Dough and wait about 30 minutes. This will allow the Unrested Pie Dough to become Rested Pie Dough icon.png Rested Pie Dough.
  3. Using a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table, craft the desired Pie. This will give you an Unbaked Pie.
  4. Unbaked Pie can now be placed in a lit Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven to Bake. When baking Foods in a Bread Oven there is a chance for those Foods to become Animal Crackers icon.png Animal Crackers instead.