Timber Pile

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Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2 x 2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Board
Required by:
Required by:


A Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile is a Structure used to dry Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards. A Timber Pile takes 3 days to dry. When fully dried right-clicking a Timber Pile and selecting "Collect Boards" will yield 40x Boards in some combination of Dry Board icon.png Dry Boards, Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Boards, and uncommonly Ghost in the Grain icon.png Ghost in the Grains. A Timber Pile can NOT be Salvage icon.png Salvaged.

Even under perfect conditions you may receive some amount of Moldy Boards, but there are ways to reduce the amount you receive:

  • Make sure there are no Structures within 5 tiles of the Timber Pile, including other Timber Piles.
  • Make sure there are no Natural Structures such as Tree icon.png Trees, Tree Stump icon.png Tree Stumps, or Bush icon.png Bushes within 5 tiles of the Timber Pile.
  • Make sure other Timber Piles are more than 5 tiles apart as Mold on one Timber pile can spread to others.
  • Structures with no hitboxes, such as Leanto icon.png Leantos, Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claim, Till Field icon.png Tilled Fields, Log icon.png Logs, and Paving do NOT effect a Timber Pile.

NOTE: You can hold Ctrl to detach it from grid movement, and hold Shift + mouse wheel to rotate it, so you can build it in the exact place you want to.

Make sure there's no Structures are present within 5 tiles!
WARNING! When Collecting Boards with higher Madness levels you may receive a Hungry Hungry Termite icon.png Hungry Hungry Termite which will devour your wooden items!

How to Make Dry Boards

  1. Using 40 Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards and 10 Stone icon.png Any Stone Build a Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile on flat ground at least 5 tiles away from any other Structure, Tree, or other Timber Pile.
  2. Wait 3 days.
  3. Right-click on your Timber Pile and select "Collect Boards" to collect 40x Dry Board icon.png Dry Boards, or Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Boards. When Collecting Boards you may receive a Ghost in the Grain icon.png Ghost in the Grain by chance instead.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Timber Pile (M)