AboutA Storage ContainersStorage Containers are structures that can either store, or produces and then store, Dry Goods or Liquids. To fill or empty a Storage Containers select a Storage Vessel and right-click it on your Storage Container. Dy Good and Liquids of the same type can be combined so long as there is room in the Storage Container, but generally, Dry Goods and Liquids of differing types cannot.
Building StructuresSelecting a structure from the build menu or its sub-menus will place a Building Blueprint Sign at the position of the cursor and then clicking a valid building location on the ground will place the sign and open a window prompting the player to deposit the necessary materials and build the structure. Each material is followed by a series of three numbers.
Players can take their time building structures by depositing and committing resources to the build sign by clicking the "build" button. The character will build as much of the structure as they can with the available resources. They can return with more resources in the future. Note that if no resources are deposited, the build sign will disappear when the player walks away. If resources are deposited, but the player hasn't built them into the structure, the uncommitted resources will slowly disappear over time. This is to combat players using build signs as cheap and overpowered storage containers they can deposit and retrieve resources from. |