Mine Support

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Mine Support icon.png Mine Support
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Nails
Required by:
Required by: None


A Mine Support icon.png Mine Support is a Support Beam with an 8x tile radius. Support Beams cannot be moved once they have been placed.


Each time a Wall tile is Mine icon.png Mined there is a chance to trigger a Cave-In. A Cave-In will scatter new Rubble Walls randomly in areas that you have already Mined out around the source of the Cave-In. Being under a Cave-In when it falls will instantly cause you to become Knocked Out and will damage nearby Structures. The chance of a Cave-In happening is based off the wall's proximity to other Un-Mined Walls, its proximity to already existing Support Beam and your Mines & Mountains icon.png Mines & Mountains Proficiency. While very rare it is technically still possible to get a Cave-In while mining under the radius of a Support Beam. An impending Cave-In will be evident by a rumbling sound and dust falling from the ceiling and can be stopped by building a Support Beam directly under the exact spot where the dust is falling.

One strategy for finding iron ore is to mine in a straight line until a vein is located since a 1-tile corridor, without any bends, will rarely cause a cave-in, even without mine supports.

Support Beam Radius Notes
Mine Support icon.png Mine Support Medium (8 tiles)

Building Structures

Selecting a structure from the build menu or its sub-menus will place a Building Blueprint Sign at the position of the cursor and then clicking a valid building location on the ground will place the sign and open a window prompting the player to deposit the necessary materials and build the structure.

Each material is followed by a series of three numbers.

  • The first indicates how many of that resource are needed but have not been deposited.
  • The second number indicates how many of that resource have been deposited but have not been built into the structure.
  • The third number indicates how many of that resource have been built into the structure.

Players can take their time building structures by depositing and committing resources to the build sign by clicking the "build" button. The character will build as much of the structure as they can with the available resources. They can return with more resources in the future.

Note that if no resources are deposited, the build sign will disappear when the player walks away. If resources are deposited, but the player hasn't built them into the structure, the uncommitted resources will slowly disappear over time. This is to combat players using build signs as cheap and overpowered storage containers they can deposit and retrieve resources from.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Mine Support (I)