Stamp Mill

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Stamp Mill icon.png Stamp Mill
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2x5
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Bar of Pig Iron
Required by:
Required by:


A Stamp Mill icon.png Stamp Mill is a Structure used to crush Boulder icon.png Boulders. A Stamp Mill has an inventory of 50x spaces which will fill with Any Ore icon.png Any Ore or Stone icon.png Any Stone corresponding to the Boulder being crushed. Once all spaces are filled a Stamp Mill will stop crushing until space has been cleared out. To put a Boulder in a Stamp Mill Lift icon.png Lift the Boulder and right-click on the Stamp Mill. NOTE: You will not receive rares when crushing Boulders with a Stamp Mill.