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Lock icon.png Lock
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects


This recipe will make 1x Lock icon.png Lock.

Locks and Keys

In order to use any Master copy of key icon.png Key, it must be Attuned to a specific Lock icon.png Lock AND a specific person. Keys, once attuned, are personal and can only be used by one pilgrim, meaning that stolen Keys or found Keys cannot be used. Keys are automatically Attuned to their creator when they are made. Hovering over any Key will show the Key's name. If the name of the Key is Green it is usable by you; if it's Red it is not usable by you. Right-clicking on any Key allows you to rename it.

1x Key can be worn in the necklace slot. Up to 8x Keys can be stored in a Keyring icon.png Keyring which can be equipped to the Keyring slot and will NOT be lost if you are Knocked Out. So long as the appropriate Key is in your inventory, in your Keyring, or around your neck, you may open locked structures simply by clicking on it. CAUTION: Once Gates are opened, they will remain open until you specifically close them or attach the Store Bought Spring icon.png Spring.

Attuning a Key to a Lock

  1. Craft a Lock icon.png Lock.
  2. Craft a Master copy of key icon.png Key.
  3. Select your Key and right-click it on your Lock. You can Attune the same Key to multiple Locks.
  4. Select your Lock and right-click it on the gate or door you wish to lock.

Changing a Lock

  1. Craft a new Lock icon.png Lock.
  2. Select your New Key or Master Copy of Key icon.png Master Copy of Key and right-click it on your New Lock.
  3. Make sure you have a properly Attuned Key or Master Copy of Key to your existing Lock in your Inventory.
  4. Select the New Lock and right-click it on the structure Locked by the Old Lock.

Lockable Structures

Structure Structure Structure Structure
Brick Townhouse icon.png Brick Townhouse Townhouse icon.png Townhouse Farmer's House icon.png Farmer's House Pilgrim's Hovel icon.png Pilgrim's Hovel
Town Church icon.png Town Church Crypt icon.png Crypt Barn icon.png Barn Windmill icon.png Windmill
Fence Gate

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Tools (T) ⇒Miscellaneous Tools (M) ⇒Keys & Locks (K) ⇒Lock (L)