Psychotic Episodes
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WARNING! Pilgrims who reach Level 10 Madness will Permanently Die!
InsanityInsanity is gained slowly over time is called Passive Insanity. Insanity that is gained through doing insane things is Active Insanity, and Witnessed Insanity is gained when viewing insane things. All types of Insanity are combined when calculating your overall Insanity. Unlike Madness levels, Insanity cannot be viewed, however once you have accumulated enough Insanity you will gain a Madness level and your Insanity will reset to 0. Insanity can be lowered by doing calming things. Passive InsanityAll pilgrims slowly gain Insanity whenever they are online. Being online for roughly 30 to 50 hours without dealing with your Sanity at all will definitely cause you to reach level 10 Madness. New arrivals to the New World do not accumulate passive Insanity for 48 hours.
Active InsanityActive Insanity is Insanity which is gained by doing insane actions.
Witnessed InsanityWitnessed Insanity is Insanity which is gained by doing insane actions. When witness insane things you will gain Insanity each time you come into range of that thing. This means the same event can cause you to gain a lot of Insanity if you continue to leave and come back to the same area without dealing with the thing causing you to gain Insanity.
Ways to Reduce Insanity
MadnessWhen your Insanity gets high enough it will push your Madness up one level and reset your Insanity back to 0. Once a pilgrim reaches level 10 Madness they will Permanently Die. The higher your Madness the more likely Adds Madness Levels:
Removes Madness Levels:'
Psychotic EpisodesPsychotic Episodes, also known as "PE"s, are events which can cause your character to act out, see things that shouldn't be there, or gain undesirable objects. A Psychotic Episode CAN happen at any Madness level above 0 but are far more likely to happen the higher your Madness is. ---UNDER CONSTRUCTION---