Butterflies are found flying around all biomes during Everblooms, while specifically a Monarch Butterfly may fly from Picked Milkweed Roots during any season. Additionally opening a trapped Flutterbomb Chest will release a large amount of Butterflies. With the Lepidopterology Skill learned, equipping a Bugcatcher's Net allows you to click on, and catch, Butterflies in the wild. Catching Any Butterfly removes a small amount of Insanity.
Raising Butterflies and Moths
While a Caterpillar can be fed Any Plant its favorite food is Honeysuckle Kudzu. Selecting a Caterpillar and right-clicking it on a Honeysuckle Kudzu will allow the Caterpillar to consume it. Each time a Caterpillar eats a Honeysuckle Kudzu it's Minimum and Maximum gluttony Blood values will increase by +1 and there will be a chance the Caterpillar will turn into a Cocoon. A Cocoon left in a Container for a few days will hatch into either Any Butterfly or Any Moth. Right-clicking a Cocoon and selecting "Set Free" gives you a Partially Deformed Caterpillar and a Cocoon Husk. NOTE: Setting Free a Caterpillar from its Cocoon early adds a good bit of Insanity.
Butterfly & Moth Pollination
A Butterfly Conservatory, when Any Butterflys or Any Moths are placed inside, will pollinate nearby Fruit Trees during an Everbloom. For each unique Butterfly added the Butterfly Conservatory will gain 5% efficiency, each unique Moth will add 10%. A Butterfly Conservatory has a longer range than a Bee Skep but cannot transfer Purity onto the Fruit Trees.