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Fire icon.png Fire
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Fire icon.png Fire is required to cook Food and light structures which further process items. Food Cooked over a source of Fire lowers your Insanity a little and has a chance to give you a Gelatinous Lard icon.png Gelatinous Lard.

Primary Sources of Fire

Primary sources of Fire icon.png Fire are items that can be used to light Ignitable Structures, Items, or a Secondary Source of Fire.

Fire Source Fire Guaranteed? Uses Notes
Eternal Flame icon.png Eternal Flame Yes Legacy.
Flint & Steel icon.png Flint & Steel Yes 10 Store bought.
Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill No 1

Secondary Sources of Fire

Secondary sources of Fire icon.png Fire are items or structures which after they have been lit, can be used to light other Ignitable Structures or Items.

Fire Source Can Be Refueled?
Brick Stove icon.png Brick Stove Yes
Fireplace icon.png Fireplace Yes
Jack-O-Lamp icon.png Jack-O-Lamp Yes
Flaming Pinecone icon.png Flaming Pinecone No
Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood No
Simple Stove icon.png Simple Stove Yes
Stone Stove icon.png Stone Stove Yes
Torch icon.png Torch Yes

Structures which Need Lighting

Structures which need lighting are structures which generally must be Fueled and lit in order to work.

Structure Primary Use Light Items From? Refueled?
Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven Baking No Yes
Brick Stove icon.png Brick Stove Baking Yes Yes
Cauldron icon.png Cauldron Boiling No Yes
Cementation Furnace icon.png Cementation Furnace Blistersteel Production No Yes
Coal Clamp icon.png Coal Clamp Coaling No No
Crucible icon.png Crucible Glass Blowing No Yes
Finery Forge icon.png Finery Forge Wrought Iron Production No Yes
Fireplace icon.png Fireplace Cooking Yes Yes
Jack-O-Lamp icon.png Jack-O-Lamp Illumination Yes Does not require Fuel.
Meatsmoker icon.png Meatsmoker Smoked Meats No Yes
Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter Pig Iron Production No Yes
Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood Cooking Yes No
Simple Stove icon.png Simple Stove Baking Yes Yes
Stone Stove icon.png Stone Stove Baking Yes Yes
Unknown Item icon.png Wild Smelter Slag Iron Production No No

Additionally a Frozen Mammoth icon.png Frozen Mammoth must be lit in order to melt it enough to gather Mammoth Flesh icon.png Mammoth Flesh and Mammoth Tusk icon.png Mammoth Tusks.

Ignitable Items

Item Becomes Light Fires From?
Boomstick icon.png Boomstick Lit Boomstick icon.png Lit Boomstick No
Branding Iron icon.png Branding Iron Hot Branding Iron icon.png Hot Branding Iron No
Miner's Hat icon.png Miner's Hat No
Flaming Pinecone icon.png Flaming Pinecone Yes
Torch icon.png Torch Yes

Using Fire to Raise Body Temperature

Fire icon.png Fire, when used properly, can raise your Body Temperature and contract the effects of Hypothermia icon.png Hypothermia. Holding or standing near specific sources of Fire will, once every 30 seconds, increase your Body Temperature.

Fire Source Action
Fireplace icon.png Fireplace Stand Near
Flaming Pinecone icon.png Flaming Pinecone Hold
Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood Stand Near
Torch icon.png Torch Hold