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Rubble icon.png Rubble
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:


15x Rubble icon.png Rubble are received when Chipping a Rubble Boulder icon.png Rubble Boulder with Any Axe icon.png Any Axe or Any Pickaxe icon.png Any Pickaxe. Alternatively a Rubble Boulder can be crushed in a Stamp Mill icon.png Stamp Mill or blown up with a Lit Boomstick icon.png Lit Boomstick to receive Rubble. Rubble can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin.


With Rubble icon.png Rubble in your Inventory and a Mineral Pan equipped allows you to use Sift Rubble icon.png Sift Rubble action on The Shallows icon.png The Shallows to wash your Rubble and reveal if there was Any Raw Gem icon.png Any Raw Gem, Black Sand icon.png Black Sand, or Goldflakes icon.png Goldflakes hidden within. Raw Gems have both a variable number of Hardness which determines how difficult that Gem is to cut on Gemcutter's Wheel icon.png Gemcutter's Wheel and a have a variable number of Carats determined purely on chance, which gives a bonus to the Cut Gem's Artifact stats and if over 1.00 carats, change that Gemstone's size. Finding Any Raw Gem during a Blood Moon icon.png Blood Moon will instead give you a Blood Shard icon.png Blood Shard. Finding Any Raw Gem while Sifting reduces a bit of Insanity.

Pan Speed Notes
Sifting Pan icon.png Sifting Pan Slow
Prospector's Pan icon.png Prospector's Pan Fast Legacy
WARNING! When Sifting with any Madness levels you may receive The Precious icon.png The Precious which will crack Any Raw Gems you find into Fractured Gemstone icon.png Fractured Gemstones.