Trade Order

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Trade Order icon.png Trade Order
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required: None
Weight: 0.02
Required by: Objects

Trade Orders and IOUs

His Majesty has recently had a need for some items more commonly found in the New World. Being the master of supply and demand that he is he's decided to task the collection of these items on Salemites and promises unlimited power, never-ending wealth, and plenty of luck to all those who assist him. The first 11 tasks given will simply yield between 1-5x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces and act as a test to insure that He is only working with the most dedicated of pilgrims. Once a pilgrim completes their Entry Tasks then they can start receiving random Trade Order icon.png Trade Orders from His Majesty. The harder the Trade Order the more IOUs icon.png IOUs His Majesty will award for its completion.

Clicking on His Majesty's son will give you a random Trade Order. This can be done once ever 12 hours and does NOT require any Trade Orders to be completed, so it is possible to be working on many Trade Orders at the same time, or get rid of ones that don't seem worth completing. Trade Orders can be stored in a Bark Binder icon.png Bark Binder. Materials can be placed into a Trade Order by selecting the item and right-clicking it on the Trade Order, but can NOT be removed even tho there is a "Take" option. A Trade Order or Evidence of Royal Conspiracy icon.png Evidence of Royal Conspiracy can be turned in by selecting your Trade Order and right-clicking it on His Majesty's son. This will put IOUs into your account.

Your IOU balance can be checked only once you have completed your Entry Tasks. To check your IOU balance right-click on the pedestal slightly to the North of His Majesty's Stall and select "Check Current Balance". Selecting "View Loyal Subjects" will show the IOU Leaderboard. NOTE: Your IOU balance will show both IOUs from completed Trade Orders and Evidence of Royal Conspiracies, however the Leaderboard only counts IOUs from completed Trade Orders. Fortunately, both IOUs function identically when used to purchase items through His Majesty's Stall.

Order Types

Each type of Trade Order has a shape indicating its difficulty and reward.

Type Look Difficulty
Short Shortorder.png Easy

Entry Trade Orders

There are 11 Entry Trade Orders which function as a test to weed out those uncommitted to meeting His Majesty's needs. Entry Trade Orders reward by a small amount of Silver Pieces when turned in.

Order Recieved Trade Order Requirements
20x Any Berries icon.png Any Berries
8x Reeds icon.png Reeds
4x Broken Bough icon.png Broken Bough
6x Granite icon.png Granite
5x Strawman icon.png Strawman
12x Squirrel icon.png Squirrel
20x Any Nuts icon.png Any Nuts
12x Any Flower icon.png Any Flower
1x Seaweed Masque icon.png Seaweed Masque
2x Leech icon.png Leech
1x Simple Crucifix icon.png Simple Crucifix, 1x Sharpened Stick icon.png Sharpened Stick, 4x Wild Garlic icon.png Wild Garlic

Short Trade Orders

Order Name Order Image Requirements Type Given IOU's
Bee Torture
Bee Torture.png
Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bee x3, Alt text 1
Fine Beaver Teeth icon.png Fine Beaver Teeth x1 Alt text 1
Horseshoe Crab icon.png Horseshoe Crab x4 Alt text 1
Kritter Trophy
Kritter Trophy.png
Frog icon.png Frog x1, Squirrel icon.png Squirrel x1, Any Butterfly icon.png Any Butterfly x1, Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Board x3 Alt text 1
Lucky Coin
Lucky Coin.png
Rusty Coin icon.png Rusty Coin x20 Alt text 1
Meat Lovers
Meat Lovers.png
Meat Shreds icon.png Meat Shreds x100 Alt text 1
Peasant Traditions
Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin x8, Butcher Knife icon.png Butcher Knife x1 Alt text 1
Potato Eyes
Potato Eyes.png
Fibre icon.png Fibre x2, Brown Potato icon.png Brown Potato x1, Yellow Potato icon.png Yellow Potato x1 Alt text 1
Rotten Fruit
Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit x10 Alt text 1
Oyster icon.png Oyster x4, Crawdad icon.png Crawdad x4, Crab icon.png Crab x4 Alt text 1
Snake Oil
Dead Timber Rattler icon.png Dead Timber Rattler x1 Alt text 1
Sun Tan
Brain icon.png Brain x5 Alt text 1
Oddly Shaped Pinecone Scale icon.png Oddly Shaped Pinecone Scale x3 Alt text 1
Two Brains
Two Brains.png
Brain icon.png Brain x2 Alt text 1
Two Ferns
Two Ferns.png
Fern icon.png Fern x2, Unburnt Clay Pot icon.png Unburnt Clay Pot x2 Alt text 1

Medium Trade Orders

Order Name Order Image Requirements Type Given IOU's
Back to School
Back to School.png
Apple icon.png Apple x1, Book icon.png Book x1, Quill icon.png Quill x1, Backpack icon.png Backpack x1 Alt text 4
Bee War
Bee War.png
Flintlock Musket icon.png Flintlock Musket x1, Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bee x20 Alt text 2
Bunny Slippers
Rabbit Skin icon.png Rabbit Skin x2, Dried Long Ear icon.png Dried Long Ear x4, Fluffy Stuffing icon.png Fluffy Stuffing x7 Alt text 3
Butterfly Glider
Butterfly Glider.png
Any Butterfly icon.png Any Butterfly x125, Wooden Handle icon.png Wooden Handle x1, Fibre icon.png Fibre x8 Alt text 2
Cod Piece
Cod Piece.png
Rope icon.png Rope x1, Cape Codfish icon.png Cape Codfish x1
  • Note that the Cape Codfish is not available on the New Haven server.
Alt text 2
Sourdough Starter icon.png Sourdough Starter x10, Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg x20, Molasses icon.png Molasses x5 Alt text 2
Food Pyramid
Curious Cabbage icon.png Curious Cabbage x2, Curious Potato icon.png Curious Potato x3, Curious Indian Corn icon.png Curious Indian Corn x1 Alt text 4
Fruit Hat
Apple icon.png Apple x2, Pear icon.png Pear x2, Peach icon.png Peach x2, Plum icon.png Plum x2, Cherry icon.png Cherry x2 Alt text 3
Heart Sleeve
Turkey Heart icon.png Turkey Heart x1, Cotton Shirt icon.png Cotton Shirt x1, Serrated Grimthorn icon.png Serrated Grimthorn x4 Alt text 2
Honey Tax
Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb x101 Alt text 4
Ice Breaking
Shard of Ice icon.png Shard of Ice x20 Alt text 3
Indoor Beach
Indoor Beach.png
Windchimes icon.png Windchimes x1, Sand Inspirational icon.png Sand Inspirational x25, Woven Reeds icon.png Woven Reeds x10 Alt text 2
Lightning Rods
Bar of Pig Iron icon.png Bar of Pig Iron x12 Alt text 2
Mothers Day
Starburst-Cut Rubellite icon.png Starburst-Cut Rubellite x1, Spring Beauty icon.png Spring Beauty x6, Shooting Star icon.png Shooting Star x6 Alt text 4
Night Light
Windborne Kite icon.png Windborne Kite x1, Amber Coarse-Grain Thread icon.png Amber Coarse-Grain Thread x3, Salamander icon.png Salamander x1 Alt text 3
Pectin Bath
Any Pectin icon.png Any Pectin x30 Alt text 2
Pied Piper
Pied Piper.png
Dead Rat icon.png Dead Rat x20, Tobacco Pipe icon.png Tobacco Pipe x1, Shepherds Pie icon.png Shepherds Pie x1 Alt text 4
Spanish Sabre icon.png Spanish Sabre x1, Skullpin icon.png Skullpin x1, Fish Hook icon.png Fish Hook x1, Knotted Wood Block icon.png Knotted Wood Block x1 Alt text 3
Prince Flutter
Hay icon.png Hay x4, Deer Hoof icon.png Deer Hoof x4, Dried Beaver Pelt icon.png Dried Beaver Pelt x1, Seashell buttons icon.png Seashell buttons x1 Alt text 3
Secret Prophets
Rattle Rattler icon.png Rattle Rattler x1, Rock Maracas icon.png Rock Maracas x1, Cricket Violin icon.png Cricket Violin x1, Grass Whistle icon.png Grass Whistle x1 Alt text 4
Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe.png
Boomstick icon.png Boomstick x12, Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bee x80 Alt text 4
Shroom Trip
Shroom Trip.png
Yellow Morel icon.png Yellow Morel x30, Witch's Hat icon.png Witch's Hat x30, Lavender Blewit icon.png Lavender Blewit x30, Sugar Caps icon.png Sugar Caps x30, Lobster Mushroom icon.png Lobster Mushroom x30 Alt text 2
Spa Day
Spa Day.png
Clay icon.png Clay x5, Smooth Stone icon.png Smooth Stone x5, Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt x1, Waxen Candle icon.png Waxen Candle x1 Alt text 2
Squirrel Monster
Eagle Feather icon.png Eagle Feather x1, Frosted Web icon.png Frosted Web x1, Branch icon.png Branch x5 Alt text 4
Tobacco Demand
Tobacco Demand.PNG
Dried Broad-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Dried Broad-Leaf Tobacco x1, Dried Bright-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Dried Bright-Leaf Tobacco x1, Dried Shade-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Dried Shade-Leaf Tobacco x1, Dried Gold-Leaf Tobacco icon.png Dried Gold-Leaf Tobacco x1, Cob Pipe icon.png Cob Pipe x1 Alt text 5
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat.png
Pirate Captain's Coat icon.png Pirate Captain's Coat x1, Connecticut Field Masque icon.png Connecticut Field Masque x1, Candy Basket icon.png Candy Basket x1 Alt text ???
Turkey Circus
Turkey Circus.png
Turkey Poult icon.png Turkey Poult x3, Keyring icon.png Keyring x1, Wild Whip icon.png Wild Whip x1 Alt text 3

Long Trade Orders

Order Name Order Image Requirements Type Given IOU's
Alchemists Robes icon.png Alchemists Robes x1, Alchemist's Hat icon.png Alchemist's Hat x1, Bar of Pig Iron icon.png Bar of Pig Iron x1 Alt text 11
Big Buckle
Silver Buckle icon.png Silver Buckle x1, Glass Pane icon.png Glass Pane x4, Silver Bar icon.png Silver Bar x4 Alt text 8
Big Cheese
Big Cheese.png
Spring icon.png Spring x1, Dry Board icon.png Dry Board x4, Cheddar Cheese Wheel icon.png Cheddar Cheese Wheel x1 Alt text 12
Bone Art
Fish Skeleton icon.png Fish Skeleton x7, Bone icon.png Bone x4, Bat Wing icon.png Bat Wing x2, Whispering Snake Skull icon.png Whispering Snake Skull x1, Steer Skull icon.png Steer Skull x1 Alt text 10
Golden Egg
Golden Egg icon.png Golden Egg x1, Branch icon.png Branch x50, Fibre icon.png Fibre x5 Alt text 5
Ink Blots
Baby Squid icon.png Baby Squid x1, Paper icon.png Paper x4 Alt text 5
Painted Feathers icon.png Painted Feathers x2, Bear Skin icon.png Bear Skin x1, Wooden Handle icon.png Wooden Handle x1, Jackalope Antlers icon.png Jackalope Antlers x1, Steer Skull icon.png Steer Skull x1, Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth x5 Alt text 6
Rainbow Scales icon.png Rainbow Scales x5, Shell Bikini icon.png Shell Bikini x1, Seaweed icon.png Seaweed x10, Mermaid's Purse icon.png Mermaid's Purse x1 Alt text 5
Y Men
Knife Blade icon.png Knife Blade x6, Maiden Corset icon.png Maiden Corset x1, Yellow Dye icon.png Yellow Dye x1, Black Dye icon.png Black Dye x1 Alt text 7