Silver Bar

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Silver Bar icon.png Silver Bar
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 5.00
Required by: Objects


A Silver Bar icon.png Silver Bar is received when successfully smelting Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore in an Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter. A Silver Bar can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin. CAUTION: A Silver Bar counts as a Bar of Any Metal icon.png Bar of Any Metal in recipes, when crafting make sure the correct item is selected.

Minting Coins

With the Silversmithing Skill learned, a Silver Bar icon.png Silver Bar can be minted into 250x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces using the Silver Coins icon.png Silver Coins recipe.


The amount Ore Metal Bars produced in your Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter is based partially on chance but mostly influenced by the Ore/Lime ratio and your Alloying Artifact Bonus. Currently, the best Ore/Lime ratio is 13x Lime icon.png Lime and 12x Any Ore icon.png Any Ore of one type. To smelt place your Lime and Ore in a lit Ore Smelter. After about 40 minutes at least one of your Ores will be replaced with a corresponding Ore Metal Bar and the rest of your Ore will have become Dross icon.png Dross. The number of metal bars depends on the alloying artifact bonus, the smelter’s previous run, and chance.

Each time a Dross is produced there is a chance for it become A Face in the Dross icon.png A Face in the Dross instead. Using a Little Limestone icon.png Little Limestone in place of one of your Limes may also increase the number of Metal Bars that are created.