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Providence icon.png

This article is Legacy content. Providence used to be the main hub of the new world before February 29th, 2024. It is now only accessible to older players.

Bone icon.png Bone
Switch to New Haven
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 1.25
Required by: Objects
Can be used for an unique style of Paving


Bone icon.png Bones are when Deboning most dead Wild or Domesticated Creatures. Bones can be baked in a Fireplace icon.png Fireplace to make Bone Ash icon.png Bone Ash. Bone has a unique Pavement style. Bones can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin.


With Any Bones icon.png Any Bones in your Inventory you can craft Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal using a a Grindstone icon.png Grindstone or a Copper Grinder icon.png Copper Grinder. Bonemeal can be stored in a Dry Goods Bag or a Dry Goods Container.

Bone Meal Kilograms Produced
Animal Canine icon.png Animal Canine Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 0.10
Bone icon.png Bone Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 1.00
Cracked Bone icon.png Cracked Bone Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 1.00
Fine Beaver Teeth icon.png Fine Beaver Teeth Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 0.10
Fish Skeleton icon.png Fish Skeleton Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 0.25
Whale Bone icon.png Whale Bone Bonemeal icon.png Bonemeal 5.00
Darkenbone icon.png Darkenbone Darkenbonemeal icon.png Darkenbonemeal 2.00
WARNING! When making Bonemeal with higher Madness levels you may receive a Raging Boner icon.png Raging Boner which will subtract 1 from your Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars for each Bone you grind.