Any Nuts

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Any Nuts icon.png Any Nuts
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


With the Nut Orchards skill learned, Any Nuts icon.png Any Nuts can be Planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to grow the appropriate Nut Tree icon.png Nut Tree. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity. Using the Roasted Nuts icon.png Roasted Nuts recipe, Any Nuts can be Roasted over a source of Fire icon.png Fire such as a lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood. Cooking things over a Fire lowers your Insanity a little and has a chance to give you a Gelatinous Lard icon.png Gelatinous Lard.

Nut Roasted Nut
Hickory Nut icon.png Hickory Nut Roasted Hickory Nut icon.png Roasted Hickory Nut
Majestic Acorn icon.png Majestic Acorn Roasted Majestic Acorn icon.png Roasted Majestic Acorn
Myrtle Oak Acorn icon.png Myrtle Oak Acorn Roasted Myrtle Acorns icon.png Roasted Myrtle Acorns
Pine Nuts icon.png Pine Nuts Roasted Pine Nuts icon.png Roasted Pine Nuts
Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnut Roasted Chestnut icon.png Roasted Chestnut
Testicles icon.png Testicles Roasted Testicles icon.png Roasted Testicles
Walnut icon.png Walnut Roasted Walnut icon.png Roasted Walnut
Planted with Output A Output B Output C Output D Output E
Hickory Nut icon.png Hickory Nut Hickory Tree icon.png Hickory Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Myrtle Oak Acorn icon.png Myrtle Oak Acorn Myrtle oak tree icon.png Myrtle Oak Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Spruce Cone icon.png Spruce Cone Spruce Tree icon.png Spruce Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Stray Chestnut icon.png Stray Chestnut Chestnut Tree icon.png Chestnut Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower
Walnut icon.png Walnut Walnut Tree icon.png Walnut Tree Branch icon.png Branch Beaming-Proud Sunflower icon.png Beaming-Proud Sunflower

How to Plant in a Gardening Pot

  1. Select 1x Humus icon.png Humus and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot.
  2. If not, Select a Vessel with at least .20L of filled with Potable Water icon.png Potable Water and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. A Gardening Pot can hold up to 1L of Potable Water. Each planting will reduce the filled amount by .20L.
  3. Select the Potable item you wish to plant and left-click it onto your Gardening Pot. Planting in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity.
  4. Wait 3 days. Learning the Horticulture and Green Thumb Skills will reduce the time for plants to ripen.
  5. Once ripe, the plant's model will change. The base Yield for non-bushes and Trees is two. When planting you will receive a bonus Yield up to a max of 8 which is determined by chance and your Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts Proficiency. You will see your bonus Yield pop up in green as you add your Potable plant. At any point you may check the current Yield by right-clicking on your planted Gardening Pot.
  6. Ripe plants can now be picked by right-clicking the Gardening Pot and selecting "Pick". Bushes and Trees which have sprouted can be planted by Lift icon.png Lifting the Gardening Pot and then right-clicking the ground and selecting "Plant".

For Bush icon.png Bushes and Tree icon.png Trees there is a chance for your planting will fail and you will instead receive a single Branch icon.png Branch. This chance is determined by your Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts and Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy Proficiencies and additionally for some Trees, the Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna of the pilgrim who took the Cutting icon.png Cutting.

Tree Purity

The Purity of Tree icon.png Trees and their products are determined by the Purity of the Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot it was grown in. When chopped down, Woodblock icon.png Woodblocks will retain this Purity, however Woodblocks and products from Destroy icon.png Destroying the resulting Tree Stump icon.png Tree Stump will not have any Purity.