Fresh Board

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Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Board
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 2.50
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:

How to Make Fresh Boards

  1. Using Any Axe icon.png Any Axe Chop down a Tree icon.png Tree to get a Log icon.png Log.
  2. Lift icon.png Lift the Log and right-click on the Sawbuck icon.png Sawbuck to load in the Log. You cannot load Hollow Log icon.png Hollow Logs onto it.
  3. With Any Saw icon.png Any Saw equipped, right-click the Sawbuck and select "Make Boards". A single Log will yield 30x Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards, an immature Tree will produce a smaller Log which will yield fewer Boards. The yield of a Log can be increased by your Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail Proficiency. When Chopping Fresh Boards you may receive a Coffin Plank icon.png Coffin Plank by chance instead.

A Fresh Board can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin. A Fresh Board counts as a Board icon.png Board in recipes.

How to Make Dry Boards

  1. Using 40 Fresh Board icon.png Fresh Boards and 10 Stone icon.png Any Stone Build a Timber Pile icon.png Timber Pile on flat ground at least 5 tiles away from any other Structure, Tree, or other Timber Pile.
  2. Wait 3 days.
  3. Right-click on your Timber Pile and select "Collect Boards" to collect 40x Dry Board icon.png Dry Boards, or Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Boards. When Collecting Boards you may receive a Ghost in the Grain icon.png Ghost in the Grain by chance instead.