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Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


First Stage
Second Stage
Third Stage



Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins are the product of a Pumpkin Planting Harvest, with the type of Pumpkin you receive being related to your Till Field icon.png Tilled Field's total Influence and the Growth Stage the Pumpkin was Harvested at. Pumpkins can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin.

Tier Growth Stage Pumpkin Total Influence
1 One Baby Bear icon.png Baby Bear 0 to 100.
Two Autumn Gold icon.png Autumn Gold
Three Aspen icon.png Aspen
2 One Small Sugar icon.png Small Sugar
  • 75 to 150 more Green than Blue.
  • 150+ more Blue than Green.
Two Bushkin icon.png Bushkin
Three Big Autumn icon.png Big Autumn
2 One Sugar Treat icon.png Sugar Treat
  • 75 to 150 more Blue than Green.
  • 150+ more Green than Blue.
Two Harvest Moon icon.png Harvest Moon
Three Connecticut Field icon.png Connecticut Field
3 One Spooktacular icon.png Spooktacular 150+
Two Jack-o-Lantern icon.png Jack-o-Lantern
Three Ghost Rider icon.png Ghost Rider

Right-clicking any Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkin and selecting "Split" will divide your Pumpkin into Pumpkin Flesh icon.png Pumpkin Flesh and Seeds of Pumpkin icon.png Seeds of Pumpkin, the amount you receive is dependent on the growth stage of the Pumpkin.

Growth Stage Pumpkin Flesh icon.png Pumpkin Flesh Seeds of Pumpkin icon.png Seeds of Pumpkin
One 2x 6x
Two 4x 10x
Three 6x 15x

Pumpkin icon.png Pumpkins Harvested from the third growth stage are considered Large.