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Boulder icon.png Boulder
Skill(s) required:
Size: Varies (1x1)
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by:


Granite Boulder icon.png Granite Boulders and Stone Boulder icon.png Stone Boulders are found scattered across the surface of the New World or alternatively removed from Mountain icon.png Mountains and Quarry icon.png Quarry using Any Shovel icon.png Any Shovel and Dig icon.png Dig. Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulders can be dug from Lime Pit icon.png Lime Pits. Right-clicking a Boulder will give you options in which to gather resources. Except where noted these actions may also apply to non over-world Boulders. Most Boulders can be loaded into, and fired from, a Catapult icon.png Catapult and do Blood damage based on the type of Boulder should it hit a pilgrim. Lift icon.png Lifting any Boulder icon.png Boulder that has sat long enough on the surface may reveal Beetle icon.png Beetles, Grub icon.png Grubs, or rarely, a Creepy Centipede icon.png Creepy Centipede, a Salamander icon.png Salamander, or Scorpion icon.png Scorpion beneath.


With Any Axe icon.png Any Axe or Any Pickaxe icon.png Any Pickaxe equipped, right-clicking on a Boulder icon.png Boulder and selecting "Chip" will cause you to slowly gather the appropriate resource. When Chipping any Boulder there is a chance to receive a Sterling Geode icon.png Sterling Geode or Whetstone icon.png Whetstone at the same Purity as the Boulder, or rarely, if Chipped during a Blood Moon icon.png Blood Moon an Arcane Amethyst icon.png Arcane Amethyst. Alternatively you may load a Boulder into a Stamp Mill icon.png Stamp Mill, or use a Lit Boomstick icon.png Lit Boomstick to blow it up, these ways are faster than Chipping but will not yield any rares.

Over-world Boulders

Granite Boulder icon.png Granite Boulder Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder Stone Boulder icon.png Stone Boulder
Gives Gives Gives
25x Granite icon.png Granite Variable Lime icon.png Lime 40x Stone icon.png Stone
Rares Rares Rares

Exploration Event Boulders

Obsidian Boulder icon.png Obsidian Boulders can be found rarely in the Crag icon.png Crag biome. An Obsidian Boulder can be Chipped to receive Obsidian icon.png Obsidian. Select Stone icon.png Any Stone and right-click it onto a piece of Obsidian to receive either Obsidian Fragments icon.png Obsidian Fragments or an Obsidian Arrowhead icon.png Obsidian Arrowhead.

Obsidian Boulder icon.png Obsidian Boulder
40x Obsidian icon.png Obsidian

Ore Boulders

With the Mining Skill learned and Any Pickaxe icon.png Any Pickaxe equipped, clicking the Mine icon.png Mine action will change your cursor into a pickaxe, which can then be right-clicked on any wall within a Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance to begin Mining. The Phlegm this will drain is dependent on what Mine level you are on and can be lowered by increasing your Mining Artifact Bonus. Chipping an Ore Boulder will give you the appropriate Any Ore icon.png Any Ore or Rubble icon.png Rubble.

Copper Ore Boulder icon.png Copper Ore Boulder Iron Ore Boulder icon.png Iron Ore Boulder Silver Ore Boulder icon.png Silver Ore Boulder Rubble Boulder icon.png Rubble Boulder
Gives Gives Gives Gives
10x Copper Ore icon.png Copper Ore 10x Iron Ore icon.png Iron Ore 6x Silver Ore icon.png Silver Ore 15x Rubble icon.png Rubble
Rares Rares Rares Rares

Whale Boulders

Whale Boulders are Boulder icon.png Boulders only found inside of a Sperm Whale icon.png Sperm Whale. These Boulder generally block your path to escape so they must be removed in order to progress. Unlike most Boulders a Pile of Excrement icon.png Pile of Excrement cannot be Lift icon.png Lifted.

Chip stone

With Any Axe icon.png Any Axe or Any Pickaxe icon.png Any Pickaxe equipped, right-clicking an Ambergris Boulder icon.png Ambergris Boulder and selecting "Chip stone" will give you Ambergris icon.png Ambergris.

Dive In

Right-clicking a Pile of Excrement icon.png Pile of Excrement and selecting "Dive In" will give you a Whale Excrement icon.png Whale Excrement and rarely a Pinocchio's Nose icon.png Pinocchio's Nose.

Ambergris Boulder icon.png Ambergris Boulder Pile of Excrement icon.png Pile of Excrement
Gives Gives
7x Ambergris icon.png Ambergris 1x Whale Excrement icon.png Whale Excrement
Rares Rares
Whetstone icon.png Whetstone Pinocchio's Nose icon.png Pinocchio's Nose
CAUTION! Diving In to a Pile of Excrement adds a lot of Insanity.

Boulder Damage

Each Boulder icon.png Boulder does a different amount of Blood damage when fired from a Catapult icon.png Catapult.

Boulder Damage
Stone Boulder icon.png Stone Boulder 5-10
Granite Boulder icon.png Granite Boulder 15-25
Tiny Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder ???
Small Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder 5-10
Medium Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder 10-20
Large Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder 10-20
Extra Large Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulder 15-25
Rubble Boulder icon.png Rubble Boulder 10-20
Copper Ore Boulder icon.png Copper Ore Boulder 20-30
Iron Ore Boulder icon.png Iron Ore Boulder 20-30
Silver Ore Boulder icon.png Silver Ore Boulder Large
Obsidian Boulder icon.png Obsidian Boulder 0-5

Excavation Skills

Skill Benifit
Essential Mineralogy icon.png Essential Mineralogy Find more Flint icon.png Flint, Granite icon.png Granite, Lime icon.png Lime, Smooth Stone icon.png Smooth Stone on the ground.
Quarrying icon.png Quarrying Dig icon.png Dig Stone Boulder icon.png Stone Boulders from a Quarry icon.png Quarry or Mountain icon.png Mountain.

Dig icon.png Dig Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulders from a Lime Pit icon.png Lime Pit .

Granite Excavation icon.png Granite Excavation Increased chance to Dig icon.png Dig Granite Boulder icon.png Granite Boulders from a Quarry icon.png Quarry or Mountain icon.png Mountain.
Ambitious Excavation icon.png Ambitious Excavation Higher chance to Dig icon.png Dig up Granite Boulder icon.png Granite Boulders.

Higher chance to Dig icon.png Dig up bigger Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulders.

Mining icon.png Mining Mine icon.png Mine Ore Boulder icon.png Ore Boulders from inside a Mine Entrance icon.png Mine Entrance.