A Sperm Whale was a passive Creature that swam in The Deep Ocean waters of the Providence server. Sperm Whales migrate North during the warm weather of an Everbloom and South during the chilly Coldsnap.
Being Swallowed
If you are daring, or just foolish, enough to row your Canoe in directly in front of a Sperm Whale you will get swallowed whole. If multiple pilgrims get swallowed, they will all appear in the same stomach. In the Stomach there will be a small place where you can dismount your Canoe and enter the only way out - the intestines. The intestines are a huge labyrinth with lots of dead ends and routes blocked by Pile of Excrement and Ambergris Boulders. You will have Dig your way out. Inside the intestines you may also find a Dead Squid. Right-clicking on a Dead Squid and selecting "Gather Squidparts" will give your 1x Calamari, 2x Baby Squids, and 4x Torn Tentacles.
NOTE: It is advisable to be prepared before being swallowed by a Sperm Whale: digging through a Pile of Excrement will quickly add Insanity which will very rapidly add up in Madness levels, and as well as once you are out you will still need to be able Swim your way back to land as you will not be able to un-equip your Canoe. A Sperm Whale will still travel while you are inside so you may exit considerably far from where you were swallowed. Make sure you have enough Phlegm to make the long Swim back to Shore.
Whale Boulders
Whale Boulders are Boulders only found inside of a Sperm Whale. These Boulder generally block your path to escape so they must be removed in order to progress. Unlike most Boulders a Pile of Excrement cannot be Lifted.
Chip stone
With Any Axe or Any Pickaxe equipped, right-clicking an Ambergris Boulder and selecting "Chip stone" will give you Ambergris.
Dive In
Right-clicking a Pile of Excrement and selecting "Dive In" will give you a Whale Excrement and rarely a Pinocchio's Nose.
CAUTION! Diving In to a Pile of Excrement adds a lot of Insanity.