Little Limestone

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Little Limestone icon.png Little Limestone
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.03
Required by: Objects


Rarely, when Dig icon.png Digging Lime Boulder icon.png Lime Boulders from a Lime Pit icon.png Lime Pit you will Dig up a very small Lime Boulder. Chipping this Lime Boulder will give you a single Little Limestone icon.png Little Limestone. When used in place of Lime icon.png Lime in a Ore Smelter icon.png Ore Smelter, a Little Limestone may increase the number of Bar of Any Metal icon.png Bar of Any Metal that are produced. CAUTION: A Little Limestone counts as both Stone icon.png Any Stone and Lime in recipes - when crafting or Paving make sure the correct item is selected. A Little Limestone can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin.


Little Limestone is a Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer which will add to a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field's Plenty. However, due to this item's rarity, using a Little Limestone as a Fertilizer may not be the optimal usage.

Fertilizer gain per usage step:
Step Plenty
01: 500%
02: 250%
03: 166%
04: 125%
05: 100%
06: 83%
07: 71%
08: 62%
09: 55%
10: 50%
TOTAL IN 10 USES: 1462% Plenty