Sterling Geode

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Sterling Geode icon.png Sterling Geode
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Proficiencie(s) gained:
500 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
750 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
1000 Mines & Mountains icon.png Mines & Mountains
1250 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 3500
Uses: 4
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.1429 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
0.2143 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
0.2857 Mines & Mountains icon.png Mines & Mountains
0.3571 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Difficulty: 35 to 15
Proficiency Type:
When Slotted:
45 Affluence
13 Blunt Power
6 Impact Power
15 Mining
6 Piercing Power
Can be used for an unique style of Paving

Flavor Text

Every facet of crystal reflects and echo of treasure, shades of silver and twilight purple.


A Sterling Geode icon.png Sterling Geode is received by chance when Chipping any Boulder icon.png Boulder or Ore Boulder icon.png Ore Boulder. A Sterling Geode is a Top 10 Artifact for Affluence. Blunt Power, and Mining. While Sterling Geode counts as Stone icon.png Any Stone in recipes it has a unique Pavement style. A Sterling Geode can be stored in a Gem Box icon.png Gem Box.