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Providence icon.png

This article is Legacy content. Providence used to be the main hub of the new world before February 29th, 2024. It is now only accessible to older players.

Crow icon.png Crow
Switch to New Haven
Where found:
Skill required: unknown
Blood (health): 1
Liftable or Inventory?: Inventory
Item(s) gained:
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup: unknown (use 'none' if cannot be butchered)
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


Crow icon.png Crows are a passive Kritter found abundantly throughout the New World, but are drawn towards your Till Field icon.png Tilled Fields. A Crow can be shoo'd away by running at it. When scared off, a Crow will drop a Crow Feather icon.png Crow Feather.

Combat Behavior

Attack Blood Damage Effects

Crows are non-aggressive so unless provoked Crows will not attack. If a Crow icon.png Crow is attacked while in movement, it will defend itself and initiate combat. If a Crow icon.png Crow is attacked while at rest, it will fly off, leaving a Crow Feather icon.png Crow Feather behind.


If a Crow icon.png Crow lands anywhere on your Till Field icon.png Tilled Field, it will increase that Field's Upkeep to 600%. A Questionably Effective Scarecrow icon.png Questionably Effective Scarecrow, when placed nearby, will prevent Crows from landing on your Tilled Fields. NOTE: The entire Tilled Field must be withing the radius of the Scarecrow's protection to prevent Crows from landing.

If a Crow does land in your Tilled Field the most effective recourse is to Destroy icon.png Destroy it with Coarse Salt icon.png Coarse Salt if the Purity is low, or using 30x Humus icon.png Humus and 1x Potato Chunk icon.png Potato Chunk or 1x Wild Tuber icon.png Wild Tuber to reset your Tilled Field to 100% Upkeep.