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Guano icon.png Guano
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.03
Required by: Objects


3x Guano icon.png Guanos are obtained when Butchering a Giant Bat icon.png Giant Bat. Guano will add +21 points when added to a Compost Bin icon.png Compost Bin.


Guano is a Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer which will add to a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field's Influence, Speed, and Plenty.

Fertilizer gain per usage step:
Step Plenty Speed Influence
01: 475% 625% 270%
02: 237% 312% 135%
03: 158% 208% 90%
04: 118% 156% 67%
05: 95% 125% 54%
06: 79% 104% 45%
07: 67% 89% 38%
08: 59% 78% 33%
09: 52% 69% 30%
10: 47% 62% 27%
TOTAL IN 10 USES: 1387% Plenty, 1828% Speed, 789% Influence

NOTE: Values for Influence are factored with the bonus from having learned Three-field System.