In-Game Text
"There grew there a wonderful tree which bore tiny lambs on the endes of its branches. These branches were so pliable that they bent down to allow the lambs to feed when they are hungrie."
– Sir John Mandeville, The Travels
Whilst legends have circulated for a long time in Europe concerning "the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary", it is only with the discovery of the New World variants of this remarkable plant that its uses and the methods for its cultivation have been brought to more extensive application in the fields of agriculture. Cotton Planting allows you to plant, harvest and process cotton.
Raw Cotton is the product of a Raw Cotton harvest. Initially 50x Seeds of Cotton are required when Planting Raw Cotton. If you don't have access to Seeds of Cotton for Planting, they can be initially purchased for 175x Silver Pieces from Spuds McArtor in Providence. For an overview of Planting, see Tilled Field.
Harvesting Raw Cotton
When Harvesting a mature Raw Cotton you may also rarely receive a Lamb of Tartary. There are 4 different varieties of Raw Cotton. The varieties you get when Harvesting depends on the total accumulated Influence of the Red and the Green bars. Successfully growing Raw Cotton adds to the Blue bar.
Between 0 and 75 total Influence you will Harvest tier 1 crops. Between 75 and 100 you will receive a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 crop. For 100-150 total Influence you will Harvest just tier 2 crops. At 150-195 total Influence you will Harvest a mix of tier 2 and tier 3 crops with the tier 2 crop you Harvest being determined by the LOWER of that crops Influencing Bars.
Clean Cotton
Raw Cotton can be cleaned using the Clean Cotton to produce the corresponding Cotton and 10x Seeds of Cotton. Using a Cotton Cleaner, or Tailor's Cotton Cleaner will Clean Cotton significantly faster.
Cotton Cloth
10x Cotton can be weaved using the Cotton Cloth recipe on a Loom will produce the corresponding Cotton Cloth. This may not use all 10x Cotton depending on your Weaving Bonus. Regardless of type, all Cotton Cloth can be sold to the Cotton Vendor Stall in Providence for 6x Silver Pieces or bundled together to make the appropriate Cotton Bundle. Cotton Cloth can be stored in a Stockbin.