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Stockbin icon.png Stockbin
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Only when empty
Repaired with: Fresh Board
Required by:
Required by: None


A Stockbin icon.png Stockbin is a Container which can hold large amounts of a single type of material, although some related materials may be able to be stored together. To store another type of material the Stockbin must completely emptied.

Material Capacity Can be Mixed With Material Capacity Can be Mixed With
Bark 500 Metal Bars 400
Black Sand icon.png Black Sand 1200 Boards 500
Bone icon.png Bones 500 Cracked Bone icon.png Cracked Bones Brick icon.png Bricks 600
Charcoal icon.png Charcoal 800 Clay icon.png Clay 1200 Misshapen Lump of Clay icon.png Misshapen Lump of Clay
Cloth 500 Darkenbone icon.png Darkenbones 666
Dross icon.png Dross 1000 A Face in the Dross icon.png A Face in the Dross Granite icon.png Granite 1000
Hides 750 Leather icon.png Leather 500
Lime icon.png Lime 1000 Little Limestone icon.png Little Limestone Mortar icon.png Mortar 400
Ore 1000 Pumpkins 400
Rubble icon.png Rubble 2000 Sand icon.png Sand 1200
Silk Cloth icon.png Silk Cloth 500 Stone icon.png Stone 1000
Hay icon.png Hay 900 Woodblock icon.png Woodblock 400 Knotted Wood Block icon.png Knotted Wood Block

Building Structures

Selecting a structure from the build menu or its sub-menus will place a Building Blueprint Sign at the position of the cursor and then clicking a valid building location on the ground will place the sign and open a window prompting the player to deposit the necessary materials and build the structure.

Each material is followed by a series of three numbers.

  • The first indicates how many of that resource are needed but have not been deposited.
  • The second number indicates how many of that resource have been deposited but have not been built into the structure.
  • The third number indicates how many of that resource have been built into the structure.

Players can take their time building structures by depositing and committing resources to the build sign by clicking the "build" button. The character will build as much of the structure as they can with the available resources. They can return with more resources in the future.

Note that if no resources are deposited, the build sign will disappear when the player walks away. If resources are deposited, but the player hasn't built them into the structure, the uncommitted resources will slowly disappear over time. This is to combat players using build signs as cheap and overpowered storage containers they can deposit and retrieve resources from.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Containers (C) ⇒Stockbin (b)