Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth

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Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth icon.png Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.85
Required by: Objects


Using 10x Yellow-Stained Cotton icon.png Yellow-Stained Cotton with Cotton Cloth icon.png Cotton Cloth recipe on a Loom icon.png Loom will produce a Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth icon.png Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth. This may not use all 10x Yellow-Stained Cotton depending on your Weaving Bonus. Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth can be sold to the Cotton Vendor Stall in Providence for 6x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces or crafted into a Yellow-Stained Cotton Bundle icon.png Yellow-Stained Cotton Bundle which can instead be sold for 300x Silver Pieces. Yellow-Stained Cotton Cloth can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin.