Venison with Pickled Nuts

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Venison with Pickled Nuts icon.png Venison with Pickled Nuts
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 65 53 48 65
Heal Uses: 1
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: 110.2 110.2 110.2 110.2
Gluttony Max: 120.7 120.7 120.7 120.7
Full and Fed Up for: 0:25
Food Groups: Nuts and Seeds icon.pngNuts and Seeds
Variable Nuts Gluttony Values:
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Stray Chestnut Min: 132.24 55.1 55.1 55.1
Stray Chestnut Max: 144.84 60.35 60.35 60.35
Acorn Min: 55.1 126.73 55.1 55.1
Acorn Max: 60.35 138.805 60.35 60.35
Majestic Acorn Min: 55.1 176.32 55.1 126.73
Majestic Acorn Max: 60.35 193.12 60.35 144.84
Pine Nuts Min: 55.1 55.1 143.26 55.1
Pine Nuts Max: 60.35 60.35 156.91 60.35
Testicles Min: 132.24 93.67 176.32 93.67
Testicles Max: 144.84 102.595 193.12 102.595
Hickory Min: 55.1 55.1 55.1 126.73
Hickory Max: 60.35 60.35 60.35 138.805
Walnut Min: 132.24 126.73 143.26 176.32
Walnut Max: 144.84 138.805 156.91 193.12


A Venison with Pickled Nuts icon.png Venison with Pickled Nuts must be cooked over a source of Fire icon.png Fire such as a lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Pile of Wood icon.png Pile of Wood. Cooking things over a Fire lowers your Insanity a little and has a chance to give you a Gelatinous Lard icon.png Gelatinous Lard.

Any Garlic As a Variable Ingredient

When used as a variable ingredient in recipes Any Garlic icon.png Any Garlic gives a Restore Bonus.

Garlic Restores
Clove of Garlic icon.png Clove of Garlic Poultry icon.png Poultry Food Group by 10% with a 80%
Garlic icon.png Garlic Poultry icon.png Poultry Food Group by 15% with a 80%
Garlic Braid icon.png Garlic Braid Cabbage and Kale icon.png Cabbage and Kale, Maize icon.png Maize, Pumpkins and Gourds icon.png Pumpkins and Gourds, and Mushrooms icon.png Mushrooms Food Groups by 50% with a 70% chance
Sprouted Garlic Clove icon.png Sprouted Garlic Clove Does NOT give a Restore bonus.
Wild Garlic icon.png Wild Garlic Crustacea and Shellfish icon.png Crustacea and Shellfish Food Group by 15% with a 80% chance

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Food (F) ⇒Nuts (N) ⇒Roasted Nuts (V)