Town Bell

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Revision as of 22:04, 8 November 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Town Bell icon.png Town Bell
Skill(s) required:
Size: 3 x 2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by: None


Town Claim

Building a Town Bell icon.png Town Bell creates a square Town Claim of 50 tiles in each direction from the Town Bell's center tile. Unlike Personal Claim Trespassing is not a Crime! icon.png Crime! on a Town Claim, however Larceny and Waste remain Crimes, although Waste cannot even be committed on land protected by a Town Claim without first building Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire against the Town Claim. Rather than being given Permissions like a Personal Claim, pilgrims can be offered Citizenship which allows them to preform these actions on a Town Claim. Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claims can be built by Citizen on a Town Claim and trump a Town Bell's Permissions, however a Town Mayor can Invoke Eminent Domain icon.png Invoke Eminent Domain to remove a Personal Claims covered by land.

Building a Town Bell

A Town Bell icon.png Town Bell must be built on Paved land using a Named Town Charter icon.png Town Charter. The Town will use this name when built. Right-clicking on a Town Charter allows you to name it, however once the Town Charter has been built into the Town Bell it can no longer be re-named. A Town Bell's Town Claim radius when placed cannot overlap with any existing Town Claim, active or inactive. The pilgrim who initially placed the Construction Signpost for the Town Bell will become the Mayor once it is complete.

Expanding a Town Claim

A Boundry Stone icon.png Boundry Stone can be built at the edge of a Town Claim in order to expand it by 25x tiles in each direction. Due to a Boundry Stone's overlapping radius, every other Boundry Stone can be Salvage icon.png Salvaged without affecting the Town Claim's size, which can be a good way to save resources. CAUTION: Boundry Stones in a Town Bell icon.png Town Bell that is being besieged by a Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire are subject to Waste and if Destroy icon.png Destroyed will remove the Town Claim protections on the land it once covered. For this reason it is recommended to protect your Boundry Stones in some way, such as wrapping them with Fences or putting them in range of Braziers.

The existing Town Claim area (shown in orange) is expanded by 25 tiles by the new Boundry Stone's area (shown in blue),


A Town Bell initially has the capacity to hold 750x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces and starts with an Upkeep cost of 25x Silver Pieces per day. Expanding the Town Claim with Authority Objects increases the Upkeep cost as well as increases the capacity of the Town Bell. Silver Pieces can be added to a Town Bell by selecting the Silver Pieces or a Purse and right-click it onto the Town Bell. The amount added will be given a bonus from your Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore Proficiency. If a Town Claim runs out of Silver Pieces, the Town Claim will still continue to protect the land from Decay but not from Waste or other Crimes.

Town Mayor

A Town Mayor invites pilgrims into a Town or kicks them out, remove unwanted Personal Claims on a Town Claim, and manages the rights of other Citizens. A pilgrim can only be the a Mayor of one Town at a time.While initially the pilgrim who built the Town Bell will become the Mayor this can be changed. Exactly three conditions need to be fulfilled for a person to become the Mayor of a Town:

  1. The Town currently has no other Mayor.
  2. The pilgrim trying to become the new Mayor has learned Compacts & Constitutions.
  3. The pilgrim trying to become the new Mayor either needs to be a Citizen of the Town, the Town must be out of Authority, or there must be no citizens at all in the town.

If you right-click the Town Bell without seeing the option to "Become Mayor" that means at least one of the above is not true.

Town Citizenship

Using the Offer Citizenship icon.png Offer Citizenship action Citizens with the "Manage Permissions" right can invite a pilgrim to a Town. A new Citizen starts as a Trial Citizen. Trial Citizen can do most of the things a Full Citizen can do, however they cannot Destroy icon.png Destroy anything or build anything with the exception of a Lean-to icon.png Lean-to. Trial Citizens will become Full Citizens after a month, or when they are manually promoted by another Citizen who has the "Manage Permissions" right. A Citizen can use the Renounce Citizenship icon.png Renounce Citizenship action at anytime to leave a Town, while the Town Mayor can use this action to remove an unruly Citizen from the Town as well.

Invoking Eminent Domain

A Town Mayor can use the Invoke Eminent Domain icon.png Invoke Eminent Domain action to remove any undesired Personal Claim whose Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claim is covered by the Town Claim. This action will cost Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces equal to 2 times the number of tiles the Personal Claim covers. This action may require the Silver capacity of the Town Bell icon.png Town Bell to be increased by building Authority Objects, typically Cross of Saint George icon.png Cross of Saint Georges.

Besieging a Town

Any crime can be committed on town land except the crime of Waste. To commit Waste, the attacker must besiege the town by building a Trial by Fire in such a way that the 'waste claim' created covers the town claim.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Claims & Defenses (C) ⇒Town Bell (?)