Trial by Fire

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Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire
Skill(s) required:
Size: 2x2
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Woodblock
Required by:
Required by: None


A Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire, commonly known as a "TBF", is an aggressive structure used to allow for Acts of Waste to be committed against land claimed by a Town Bell icon.png Town Bell. To build a Challenge Authority you must be a Citizen of a Town Claim as well as have the "Manage Claims" right within that Town.

Besieging a Town

Acts of Waste cannot normally be committed on land protected by a Town Claim unless a Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire is first built. A Trial by Fire projects a shadow approximately 500x tiles wide on either side and 1000x tiles forward from the Trial by Fire's front. This means that the area directly behind a Trial by Fire is NOT covered by its shadow. Act of Waste can be committed on any tiles under its shadow. NOTE: Acts of Waste committed on land covered by a Trial by Fire are still a Crime! icon.png Crime! and will leaves Scent icon.png Scents, Evidence, and trigger nearby Aggressive Defense Structures.

Once built, a Trial by Fire must age for 24 hours, unless the Town Claim under its shadow is less than a week old, before Waste can be committed. Once constructed, a Trial by Fire can NOT be Destroy icon.png Destroyed until 20 hours have passed, 4 hours before the Trial begins. Once a Trial by Fire is Destroyed, the Trial ends and Waste can no longer be committed against that Town until another Trial by Fire has been built. A Trial by Fire drains 40 Authority per hour from the Town Bell of the pilgrim who built it. Additionally a Trial by Fire will disable the ability to Fast Travel Home icon.png ... Home and ... to Providence icon.png ... to Providence on tiles under its shadow. Wasteclaim.png

Building Structures

Selecting a structure from the build menu or its sub-menus will place a Building Blueprint Sign at the position of the cursor and then clicking a valid building location on the ground will place the sign and open a window prompting the player to deposit the necessary materials and build the structure.

Each material is followed by a series of three numbers.

  • The first indicates how many of that resource are needed but have not been deposited.
  • The second number indicates how many of that resource have been deposited but have not been built into the structure.
  • The third number indicates how many of that resource have been built into the structure.

Players can take their time building structures by depositing and committing resources to the build sign by clicking the "build" button. The character will build as much of the structure as they can with the available resources. They can return with more resources in the future.

Note that if no resources are deposited, the build sign will disappear when the player walks away. If resources are deposited, but the player hasn't built them into the structure, the uncommitted resources will slowly disappear over time. This is to combat players using build signs as cheap and overpowered storage containers they can deposit and retrieve resources from.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Claims & Defenses (C) ⇒Waste Claims (W) ⇒Trial by Fire (?)