Boundry Stone

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Boundry Stone icon.png Boundry Stone
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by: None


A Boundry Stone icon.png Boundry Stone in an Authority Object which when built increases the Authority and the Silver capacity of the Town Bell icon.png Town Bell it is connected to by 90 points and increased the Upkeep by 3x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces per day. A Boundry Stone's primary purpose is expand the size of a Town Claim. A Boundry Stone must be built at least 13x tiles way from any other Authority Object. To place a Boundry Stone you must have Town permissions to build Authority Objects. A Boundry Stone cannot be Salvage icon.png Salvaged.

Expanding a Town Claim

A Boundry Stone icon.png Boundry Stone can be built at the edge of a Town Claim in order to expand it by 25x tiles in each direction. Due to a Boundry Stone's overlapping radius, every other Boundry Stone can be Salvage icon.png Salvaged without affecting the Town Claim's size, which can be a good way to save resources. CAUTION: Boundry Stones in a Town Bell icon.png Town Bell that is being besieged by a Trial by Fire icon.png Trial by Fire are subject to Waste and if Destroy icon.png Destroyed will remove the Town Claim protections on the land it once covered. For this reason it is recommended to protect your Boundry Stones in some way, such as wrapping them with Fences or putting them in range of Braziers.

Authority Objects

Authority Objects are Structures which can only be built on Paved tiles on Town Claims and raise the Authority and Silver Capacity and Upkeep of the Town Bell icon.png Town Bell they are connected to.

Objects Authority Added Upkeep Increase Additional Effect
Boundry Stone icon.png Boundry Stone 90 3 Expands Town Claim
Cross of Saint George icon.png Cross of Saint George 360 45

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Claims & Defenses (C) ⇒Boundry Stone (?)