Invoke Eminent Domain

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Invoke Eminent Domain icon.png Invoke Eminent Domain
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required: None

Invoking Eminent Domain

A Town Mayor can use the Invoke Eminent Domain icon.png Invoke Eminent Domain action to remove any undesired Personal Claim whose Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claim is covered by the Town Claim. This action will draom Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces from your Town Bell icon.png Town Bell equal to 2 times the number of tiles the Personal Claim covers. This action may require the Silver capacity of the Town Bell to be increased by building Authority Objects, typically Cross of Saint George icon.png Cross of Saint Georges.

Game Menu
Adventure (V) ⇒Commonwealth & Government (G) ⇒Invoke Eminent Domain (M)