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Wine icon.png Wine
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


Making Wine

  1. Right-click a Vessel of either Red Grape Juice icon.png Red Grape Juice or White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice on a Cask icon.png Cask to fill it with up to 10L of Grape Juice.
  2. Open your Cask and add the appropriate Wine Ingredients icon.png Wine Ingredients.
  3. Right-click your Cask and select "Seal" to close your Cask for fermentation.
  4. Wait about 24 hours for for your Grape Juice to ferment into Wine icon.png Wine.
  5. Once your Wine has fermented right-click your Cask and select "Pop Seal".
  6. Select on a Vessel on your Cask to recover your Wine.

Wine Storage

Wine icon.png Wine that is not properly stored will turn into Vinegar icon.png Vinegar after about a week. To properly store Wine right-click the Vessel containing your Wine onto a Wine Bottle icon.png Wine Bottle. Then select a Cork icon.png Cork and right-click in onto your Wine Bottle to create a Corked Wine Bottle icon.png Corked Wine Bottle. At any point you can right-click your Corked Wine Bottle and select "Open Bottle" to re-open your Wine Bottle for Drinking. Most of the time this will return your Cork.

Drinking Wine

Wine icon.png Wine, when poured into a Drinking Vessel and equipped to the left Hand slot, can be Sipped to gain a 60 second Food Group buff. If you satisfy a Craving for the same Food Group during the buff's duration, it will double the Humour points you would normally gain.

Food Group Wine
Berries icon.png Berries Two Silver Steve Wine icon.png Two Silver Steve Wine
Bread icon.png Bread Panemlot Wine icon.png Panemlot Wine
Cabbage and Kale icon.png Cabbage and Kale Cabbarnet Saurvignon Wine icon.png Cabbarnet Saurvignon Wine
Crustacea and Shellfish icon.png Crustacea and Shellfish Carapanilo Wine icon.png Carapanilo Wine
Dairy Foods icon.png Dairy Foods Saint Caseus Wine icon.png Saint Caseus Wine
Domesticated Meat icon.png Domesticated Meat Albarnio Wine icon.png Albarnio Wine
Fishes icon.png Fishes Scaley Noir Wine icon.png Scaley Noir Wine
Fruits icon.png Fruits Fruiticus Maximus Wine icon.png Fruiticus Maximus Wine
Game Meat icon.png Game Meat Zweildelt Wine icon.png Zweildelt Wine
Maize icon.png Maize Maizescato Wine icon.png Maizescato Wine
Mushrooms icon.png Mushrooms Zinfungal Wine icon.png Zinfungal Wine
Nuts and Seeds icon.png Nuts and Seeds Vinonucci Wine icon.png Vinonucci Wine
Potato Foods icon.png Potato Foods Malspudia Wine icon.png Malspudia Wine
Poultry icon.png Poultry Chardobble Wine icon.png Chardobble Wine
Pumpkins and Gourds icon.png Pumpkins and Gourds Sweet Harvest Wine icon.png Sweet Harvest Wine
Slugs Bugs and Kritters icon.png Slugs Bugs and Kritters Pest Port Wine icon.png Pest Port Wine
Vegetables and Greens icon.png Vegetables and Greens Viridehortus Wine icon.png Viridehortus Wine