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Cauldron icon.png Cauldron
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: Yes
Liftable?: Only when empty
Repaired with: Bar of Pig Iron
Required by:
Required by:


A Cauldron icon.png Cauldron is an Ignitable Structure used to boil Foods. It has room for 16x items and can hold up to 100 liters of Potable Water icon.png Potable Water. When right-clicking you will see two meters, the first showing the amount of Potable Water it holds and the second the amount of Fuel it contains. Unlike a a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot which uses a fixed amount of Portable Water for each time, a Cauldron uses Water much the same way it burns Fuel. Some items that can be boiled in a Clay Pot or Copper Pot CANNOT be boiled in Cauldron.

Item In Cauldron? Item In Cauldron?
Any Berries icon.png Any Berries NO Any Fish icon.png Any Fish NO
Any Potato icon.png Any Potato Yes Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg Yes
Banded Lobster icon.png Banded Lobster NO Bark NO
Blubber icon.png Blubber NO Calf Stomach icon.png Calf Stomach NO
Deer Hoof icon.png Deer Hoof NO Dead Silk Runner icon.png Dead Silk Runner NO
Meat Broth Ingredients icon.png Meat Broth Ingredients NO New World Gourd icon.png New World Gourd Yes
Poisonous Mushrooms Yes Poultry Broth Ingredients icon.png Poultry Broth Ingredients NO
Tea Leaves icon.png Tea Leaves NO Unboiled Bajgiel Dough icon.png Unboiled Bajgiel Dough NO
Unboiled Delectable Dumplings icon.png Unboiled Delectable Dumplings Yes Unboiled Marrow Dumplings icon.png Unboiled Marrow Dumplings Yes
Unboiled Rich Marrow Dumplings icon.png Unboiled Rich Marrow Dumplings Yes Unboiled Sea Loaf icon.png Unboiled Sea Loaf Yes

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Tools & Utilities (T) ⇒Cauldron (C)