Tinder Drill

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Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects
Shows a character after using the Tinder Drill in an attempt to light a Pile of Wood.


A Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill is Primary Sources of Fire. To use a Tinder Drill, select it and right-click it on the Structure or Item you want to light. Tinder Drills are consumed when they start a Fire icon.png Fire, and also have about a 50% chance to break before a Fire is successfully lit. Using a Tinder Drill quickly drains Phlegm, and, if it breaks, it damages Blood. When successfully lighting a Fire with a Tinder Drill there is a chance to receive a Precious Soot-Flake icon.png Precious Soot-Flake.

Tinder Drills are an unreliable way to start Fires. Many pilgrims will use a Tinder Drill to light a Secondary Sources of Fire such as a Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Simple Stove icon.png Simple Stove and keep that Fire going by continually adding Fuel, then using that Fire to light a Torch icon.png Torch when additional Fires are needed.

Primary Sources of Fire

Primary sources of Fire icon.png Fire are items that can be used to light Ignitable Structures, Items, or a Secondary Source of Fire.

Fire Source Fire Guaranteed? Uses Notes
Eternal Flame icon.png Eternal Flame Yes Legacy.
Flint & Steel icon.png Flint & Steel Yes 10 Store bought.
Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill No 1

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Miscellaneous Tools (M) ⇒Tinder Drill (T)