Psychotic Episodes

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Revision as of 00:34, 21 August 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Psychotic Episodes icon.png Psychotic Episodes
description unknown
Skill(s) required: unknown
Proficiencies required:
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Others Unlocked:
WARNING! Pilgrims who reach Level 10 Madness will Permanently Die!


Insanity is gained slowly over time in called Passive Insanity, Insanity that is gain through doing insane things is Active Insanity. Both types of Insanity are combined when calculating your overall Insanity.

Passive Insanity

All pilgrims slowly gain Insanity whenever they are online. Being online for roughly 30 to 50 hours without dealing with your Sanity at all will definitely cause you to reach level 10 Madness.

Method Effect Notes
Drinking Milk icon.png Milk Reduces Drinking 1 liter reduces Passive Insanity by 100%.
Being near a Crab on a Spike icon.png Crab on a Spike Increases
Being near a Stillborn icon.png Stillborn Increases
Wearing the Iä! Iä! Rlyeh Fhtang! icon.png Iä! Iä! Rlyeh Fhtang! Increases Increases Passive Insanity by 400%.
Wearing the Iä! Iä! Rlyeh Fhtang! icon.png Iä! Iä! Rlyeh Fhtang! Increases Increases Passive Insanity by 400%.

Active Insanity

This will increase insanity:

| Pulling the Stinger from any Bee icon.png Bee. | Tiny

| Seeing any Darkness icon.png Darkness Monster. | Tiny

| Checking Mr. Puggles's Leaderboard. | Tiny

| Being Whipped in the Stocks. | Small

| Wringing the Neck of a Squirrel icon.png Squirrel. | Small

| Wringing the Neck of a Turkey icon.png Turkey. | Small

| Dissecting a Frog icon.png Frog. | Small

| Feeding Royal Jelly icon.png Royal Jelly to dead Creatures. | Small

| Sniffing Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts. | Small

| When a Daisy icon.png Daisy terminates on "she loves me not". | Small

| Spawning a LumberLord icon.png LumberLord. | Huge

| Pulling Salamander Tail icon.png Salamander Tail off a Salamander icon.png Salamander. | Good Bit

| Cutting a Caterpillar icon.png Caterpillar out if its Cocoon icon.png Cocoon early. | Good Bit

| Butchering or Skinning Creatures with your bare hands. | Good Bit

| Sniffing Satan Salts icon.png Satan Salts. | Great Deal

| Dig icon.png Digging up Traces of the Lost Colony icon.png Traces of the Lost Colony. | Good Bit

| Gulping Snake Oil icon.png Snake Oil. | Good Bit

| Eating Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit adds a good bit of insanity. | Good Bit

| Finding a Mischievous Gnome icon.png Mischievous Gnome in a Rotten Log icon.png Rotten Log. adds a good bit of insanity. | Good Bit

| Licking Moldy Board icon.png Moldy Board clean to fresh boards again. Doing so will add a huge amount of insanity. Don't lick mold. | Huge

| Finding a Little Jack Horner's Thumbnail icon.png Little Jack Horner's Thumbnail in your pie adds a great deal of insanity. | Great

| Grave Robbing icon.png Grave Robbing adds a huge amount of insanity. | Huge

| Scalp icon.png Scalping a player adds a huge amount of insanity. | Huge

| Attempting a Killing Blow icon.png Killing Blow | Huge

| Killing, or being near Baby Animal as it is killed. | Huge

| Getting Tickled | Tiny

| Tickling a pilgrim to death. | Huge

|Being online a the start of a Blood Moon icon.png Blood Moon | TREMENDOUS

| Witnessing a Unknown Item icon.png Hangman's Tree. | Huge

